It's that time again when I've once more looked at my bookshelf and spotted my HRM book .... which has made me think. Brass Monkey is January 2007 ... should I try a HR program again?? Have looked at the schedule that Rick gave me 2yrs ago and looked at the book. Rick's zones are lower HR than the Book ("Heart Rate Monitor Training for the Complete Idiot). The main reason I hated Rick's schedule was that I was crawling and walking so much. This means that 70% would be 159 instead of the 144 I was trying to stay below before which I think is much more achievable. Now I have started a RW thread to ask some questions and advice ... I know Bear uses a HRM too. Do I Heart Rate Train? Don't I Heart Rate Train? Run 4 times a week with or without HRM? Just do my normal stuff? Run daily in a Heart Rate Training manner? Brass Monkey is my goal for the next 6 months and if FLM does happen then this could be a good base. I want to lose weight and get fitter and faster! W...
Athlete in Training! Follow the Dream ... I was told last year that being a runner makes you an athlete and I didn't really believe it. I was also told by someone else that being a good runner is as much in the mind as it is about running. Now that I do believe and it's starting to show! Now I AM an athlete in training!