OK so my original plan of lots of swimming this week hasn't work out but I walked over 6m in total Wednesday (4m in one session and 2 short walks) and have just come back from 6.3m walk today. Both today's walk and Wednesday's long one were at about 18mm pace (or sub 20 TW pace!).
My right big toe has been causing problems since TW as I got a blister under the nail which made it very sore. Blister now burst but it's still tender. Dr Dino did a long distance verbal diagnoses of slight infection but my immune system was fighting it! I've mainly been bare foot or in flip flops since TW just to stop my toe getting squashed! Feet are now at least back to normal size which is a start!!
Whilst walking my legs have coped well, my feet have only been a little tender in areas of deceased blisters and only by the end of each walk. This is something I am very pleased about!
Today whilst walking I was also thinking a lot, which is unusual as normally long runs or walks involve me drifting off into my own world and getting home having no idea about what I was thinking!
As a result when I got home I found the following definition:
a winner is "someone who gives 100 percent of their effort in preparation for and during competition."
As well as these quotes:
"If you are aiming at nothing, you’ll hit it every time."
"Setting high goals is a waste of time if you aren’t willing to work hard to achieve them."
So where am I going with this you may ask!?!
Well TW taught me a lot.
It taught me about the importance of team work - not just us walkers but the supporters as well. Without all 7 of us the end result would have been different.
It taught me that I can keep going when my body says no. That things being hard does not mean I can 't do them (thinks about missing/reducing speedwork sessions and hill work!).
It taught me some nutritional information.
I taught me that goals have to be set and you have to work damn hard to get them!
My thoughts wandered to what I want to do and achieve with my fitness. Yet again I had the need to lose weight thoughts (as expected!!) but also I want to be a success. I want to do the best I can. I want to feel like a runner and not just when running down hills!
First thing is this ... I can't do Concorde. For a start there is only 10 places left and I need to wait until pay day before having the spare cash! But also the Tri thing was displacement therapy. I lost my running mojo and still wanted to do something. Concorde seemed ideal. I'm not saying I will never do a sprint tri just not this year. I think my mojo may have been in the dragon's grave as I've been much more positive since TW, wanting to get out and do things, long may it last.
So what next ... obviously I want to lose weight. I've remained very focused and aware since TW and although I know work is my main problem area I think this is a good thing and hopefully will see me doing a bear (10kgs is stonking!)
In a few weeks I have my 5k ... having never actually finished one without walking that is my 1st goal and then a PB! After that the only thing I would like to do is the Suicide Sixish in November and the Brass Monkey in Jan 2007.
Brass Monkey is now my goal, and I want to get as close to 2hrs there as possible. It's what 6mths away ... if I can spend the next 3-4mths losing some ballast then this will help in the speed and effort required. For the next few weeks I intend to keep my long session at the weekend to between 6 and 10m. Walking most of it to start with (fat burning) and increasing running. I want to do 3m walks at lunch time when not running at lunch. Then a few swims too.
I want to try and do at least 30mins of exercise a day ideally 1hr. Combining this with better eating habits and I should drop the ballast.
If all this goes to plan and I find I can cope with hills on the TW training/auditioning walks then maybe just maybe I will return for a sub 20 TW in 2007.
My right big toe has been causing problems since TW as I got a blister under the nail which made it very sore. Blister now burst but it's still tender. Dr Dino did a long distance verbal diagnoses of slight infection but my immune system was fighting it! I've mainly been bare foot or in flip flops since TW just to stop my toe getting squashed! Feet are now at least back to normal size which is a start!!
Whilst walking my legs have coped well, my feet have only been a little tender in areas of deceased blisters and only by the end of each walk. This is something I am very pleased about!
Today whilst walking I was also thinking a lot, which is unusual as normally long runs or walks involve me drifting off into my own world and getting home having no idea about what I was thinking!
As a result when I got home I found the following definition:
a winner is "someone who gives 100 percent of their effort in preparation for and during competition."
As well as these quotes:
"If you are aiming at nothing, you’ll hit it every time."
"Setting high goals is a waste of time if you aren’t willing to work hard to achieve them."
So where am I going with this you may ask!?!
Well TW taught me a lot.
It taught me about the importance of team work - not just us walkers but the supporters as well. Without all 7 of us the end result would have been different.
It taught me that I can keep going when my body says no. That things being hard does not mean I can 't do them (thinks about missing/reducing speedwork sessions and hill work!).
It taught me some nutritional information.
I taught me that goals have to be set and you have to work damn hard to get them!
My thoughts wandered to what I want to do and achieve with my fitness. Yet again I had the need to lose weight thoughts (as expected!!) but also I want to be a success. I want to do the best I can. I want to feel like a runner and not just when running down hills!
First thing is this ... I can't do Concorde. For a start there is only 10 places left and I need to wait until pay day before having the spare cash! But also the Tri thing was displacement therapy. I lost my running mojo and still wanted to do something. Concorde seemed ideal. I'm not saying I will never do a sprint tri just not this year. I think my mojo may have been in the dragon's grave as I've been much more positive since TW, wanting to get out and do things, long may it last.
So what next ... obviously I want to lose weight. I've remained very focused and aware since TW and although I know work is my main problem area I think this is a good thing and hopefully will see me doing a bear (10kgs is stonking!)
In a few weeks I have my 5k ... having never actually finished one without walking that is my 1st goal and then a PB! After that the only thing I would like to do is the Suicide Sixish in November and the Brass Monkey in Jan 2007.
Brass Monkey is now my goal, and I want to get as close to 2hrs there as possible. It's what 6mths away ... if I can spend the next 3-4mths losing some ballast then this will help in the speed and effort required. For the next few weeks I intend to keep my long session at the weekend to between 6 and 10m. Walking most of it to start with (fat burning) and increasing running. I want to do 3m walks at lunch time when not running at lunch. Then a few swims too.
I want to try and do at least 30mins of exercise a day ideally 1hr. Combining this with better eating habits and I should drop the ballast.
If all this goes to plan and I find I can cope with hills on the TW training/auditioning walks then maybe just maybe I will return for a sub 20 TW in 2007.
This Pix has guts!
Rob .. yes I know I have gutS and I only want 1 gut thank you!! {sniggers}
Someone has found their mojo..!!!
will you show it to me when I see you..??