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There are some truely wonderful people out there

just recieved this by mail from a fellow blogger.

I want to share it so everyone can benefit as I have.

I've wiped my tears away and I've printed this up so when I am getting sulky and down I will read this and remember .... Aim High! (how appropriate is that name!)

Don't EVER think that you any any less of a runner than anyone else Kim, You show a dedication and determination that puts many people to shame.
You have a goal for your marathon time which is truly amazing - and I am inspired by it..We all have our dream peaks (sorry about the mountain reference again - I'm a mountaineer too!) - and they are a reflection of who we are and what we are able to acheive - for ourselves - and anyone who can't see the value of that endeavour is blind indeed.When you run your next pb - to me that is as phenomenal an achievement as any world record..and I will bounce up and down
like a mad thing at the thought of it - and I get pretty animated when I'm excited about something!!!Maybe it's just me.. but that's how I see it. Ruth once said to me - after I'd said we'd see one another after some race or other - you'll be showered and changed and well gone by the time I finish..To which I said - You're having a laugh - one of my friends is taking part in the same event as me.. and I may well finish ahead of you...but I WILL be there to celebrate your achievement too

That's why I'll nag you
That's why I'll follow your progress and will you on to bigger and better
That's why I will feel down when things aren't going well
that's why I'll cheer like a school kid on sports day when you move things
forward and take those small step towards what you want to ultimately

So this is for you all ....


Evil Pixie said…
Very lovely!
as you all are!
b-z said…
Pass the hanky

fraggle said…
will be cheering you on too Pix :o)
womble said…
It's true what he says, of course! I'm just back from my Monday run with the club "snails" as I call them. And you know, I was really proud of them. We had a good continuous run, they all kept going and have all improved over the weeks and months since they've started running. And they're enjoying it. They will all belittle their achievements but when I talk to any single one of them and say 'hey, you must feel the improvement in your running and fitness' they will agree and say 'yes'.

We have our own goals and your pbs and achievements are at least as meaningful and well earned as anyone else's.

Unknown said…
I spent most my running life at the back of the pack, but i dont think it makes me any less of a runner than those miles ahead of me...just not as quick a runner. Pixie the training and the hard work is there. I'm there cheering you on too.

A great mail to recieve. It makes it all worth while. Go Pixie Go!

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