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Kick up the Bum

Right no more sulking.
Time for being serious.
This is a proper blog from a proper aflete after all.

For those who don't know my grandma has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has a limited time left. The emotional blog is elsewhere (mail me fetch mail me if interested).

This blog is now dedicated to lots of running. This Pixie will be running FLM 2008 for Macmillan Cancer Research. When I say I WILL I mean there is now way I will not be at Blackheath on 13th April 2008. I will apply via the ballot, bequeath, ask for a Gold Bond place and will be re-joining my club just in case! If I have a serious set back injury wise I will walk FLM but my goal is to run it all (apart from a hug stop at mile 17!) not just complete it. I also want to raise at least £2000 for Macmillan who were at grandma's side within 24 hrs of her being told the news.

I have 10 months. The next 5 or 6 will consist of lots of slow HR based runs, 1 club run/tempo run and lots of attitude.

This will be my story.


b-z said…

It is so much easier to train when there is a motivation like this
shortnginger said…
sorry to hear about grandma pix but i think your dealing with this in a great way
way to go pix!
get yourself a just giving page so we can start the ball rolling pix
fraggle said…
administers gentle kick up the btm :o)
XFR Bear said…
Adminsters another kick up the bum!

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