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An Update

Just for bear!!

he-he I was very tempted just to say that but I shant!!

If, like bear, you wondered where I am these days ... well mainly on Fetch and RealBuzz as I can get to both of those places during work. Unlike the old days, when I was at college and the old work place, I can't chat all day and I don't tend to go online much at home.

Anyway that promised update.

Good News:
  1. I won a 32" LCD TV!!
  2. I'm running 6 times a week!
  3. I'm using not wearing my HRM.
  4. I'm averaging 20m+ a week now!!
Bad News:
Despite lots of running I'm still err lardy because I'm comfort eating constantly. My phone is by my side 24/7 and I am expecting a call any time, to be honest I am amazed grandma is still with us, so yes I'm expecting the call, dreading the call and stuffing my face. Good job I am running lots then really! I'm worried it will become a habit though so I am trying to adjust the eating, I'm trying to bring in lots of fruit and eat that, or low fat low calorie crisps/snacks. I mean eating 2 of those gives me 2 lots of "comfort" food but has less impact than 2 packets of McCoys or 2 kit kats. Neither are good though I know.

Training is, however, going great. I'm doing the HR training stuff and have done for about 2mths now. I started off swearing at my HRM and struggling to do 14:30mm pace. Now I am doing 13:10 pace and the best bit is .... my tempo runs!! I'm doing our normal 2.9m run in a smidge over 30mins now!

Racing wise .... my Race 4 Life has been postponed twice now!! I believe it will be on 12th August and I hope to go sub 32 mins but I don't know what the course is like, e.g. is it grass or path etc. On 16th September I am racing with v-rap in the Hydro Active in Brum. Another ladies 5K where I would like to get close to the golden 30mins. Over on Fetch I found out about a new 10k in September too ... it's just 10mins drive from me. It's a new club and a new race and so I am very tempted to show my face as a err "training run". Jules from work may also do it ..... having never raced before! He's also reading the Marathon News!!

Talking of FLM ... my entry is already in the post. I have applied through the ballot and bequeathed. If I still don't get in I will be asking Macmillan for a GB place and if all else fails, well I am rejoining my club next month! I WILL be at Blackheath next year and I will RUN not complete FLM08. I'll be aiming to raise at least £2000.00 for Macmillan whilst I am at it. Then that will be me done with London. It will conclude my desire to run London but not marathons or to get a GFA. After completing FLM08 I will have run it twice .. following grandad's death and then grandma's death (there is no way she will see 2008). So I will still aim for that fast GFA time .... it just happens to be the same GFA for Boston! Yep if I can get a GFA I will go to Boston with my mum (dad and hubby won't fly!).

Oh and as for work ... still loving it!


XFR Bear said…
ooh fab stuff Pix - well done you :-)
b-z said…
Pix, ask for that gold bond place NOW, before you know about the ballot

thats what most of us charity runners do these days

well done on the training

and a big hug to you

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