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23rd July 2017

Another dragon was slain.

This time to dragon was called The Outlaw Triathlon and back in 2013 I started this event. I just managed the swim and then got stopped on the bike. On Sunday I did the run.

It started the week before when a pirate team posted that they needed a runner. Foolishly and somewhat jokingly I said I'd do it. I added that I'd take 7-8 hours and was confident of being ignored.

I wasn't! So  I checked .... did they really want me? and the answer came back YES!

My last marathon was 2010 when I did London as part of the Lucozade Super Six. I'd trained well then it all went to pot on race day. This was followed by teacher training and a massive drop in exercise.

In 2013 whilst watching a channel 4 program on the Outlaw son had said I couldn't do it ... so I entered and proved him right. So since July 2013 I've sulked and struggled to do anything apart from get fatter and more unfit.

Anyway back to last week and still convinced I wasn't needed I "tapered" by swimming. I had run 6m 2 weeks before and 11m 2 months before so felt a taper was needed - don't want to over train!

I've always said that long distance events are all in the head.

Sunday was a prime example of this. I knew I could do a marathon - I've done 4 running and 2 walking before so why couldn't I? No reason.

In fact on that sunny/wet/hot/cool Sunday afternoon/evening I never once stopped believing and I always knew I would do it. The only questions were
  • What time - would I let the team down and miss the cut off? and
  • What injuries would I get?!
The answers turn out to be 7 hours 31 and no injuries!


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