That was the year that was as they say. I won't miss 2006. It hasn't been a brilliant year really has it! OK so TrailWalker was a definite high! Getting a new job was too but there was the car crash, the PF, the tendon strain and a huge dose of "CBA 'cos it's too hot". On top of that was was a half PB that was beaten by another PB, a 5k race which was my 1st 5K race without walking and then my best run of the year averaging 10:44 pace a few weeks ago. That left me with an annual mileage of 397 that was just too close to the 400 to leave. So today I got up, dragged Gnome out of bed and headed towards the Cavern. After much discussion my car was loaded with Mr Speedy, Gnome, el Bee and Haggis and we were off to Lichfield for the Last Chance 5k and 2k fun run. Gnome and I were going to do the 2k but we got there too late so had no choice (coughs loudly and forgets the organisers offer of waiting for us) but to do the 5k! Gnome has only run one race before (the 3k...
Athlete in Training! Follow the Dream ... I was told last year that being a runner makes you an athlete and I didn't really believe it. I was also told by someone else that being a good runner is as much in the mind as it is about running. Now that I do believe and it's starting to show! Now I AM an athlete in training!