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Showing posts from December, 2006

Bye Bye 2006

That was the year that was as they say. I won't miss 2006. It hasn't been a brilliant year really has it! OK so TrailWalker was a definite high! Getting a new job was too but there was the car crash, the PF, the tendon strain and a huge dose of "CBA 'cos it's too hot". On top of that was was a half PB that was beaten by another PB, a 5k race which was my 1st 5K race without walking and then my best run of the year averaging 10:44 pace a few weeks ago. That left me with an annual mileage of 397 that was just too close to the 400 to leave. So today I got up, dragged Gnome out of bed and headed towards the Cavern. After much discussion my car was loaded with Mr Speedy, Gnome, el Bee and Haggis and we were off to Lichfield for the Last Chance 5k and 2k fun run. Gnome and I were going to do the 2k but we got there too late so had no choice (coughs loudly and forgets the organisers offer of waiting for us) but to do the 5k! Gnome has only run one race before (the 3k...

I need an extra 3m ...

Ok so it hardly sounds a lot and if I had put more effort into exercise rather than being a dutiful daughter and eating too much last week then there would be no talk of needing 3m! So this is what I have been up to lately ... Tuesday I finished work at 4 and headed home. Car was filled, literally!, and Gnome and I set off. As I had finished early I was able to plan food at mum's rather than a maccy d which was good! Soon I realised that the journey would be slower than normal due to fog. Through Oxford I was almost navigating by the cats eyes in the road. It wasn't nice. Journey time just over 3hrs and 1 shattered Pixie. Wednesday saw my 1st supermarket visit of the week oh and computer shop as Gnome broke dad's monitor! I mean found it broken!! hehe. Thursday was a day at Nirvana! Nothing all day apart from chill and chat with mum oh and a 1m swim in my best ever time of 43mins!! >beams Friday, more shopping. Farm shop and Morrisons + 4.2m foggy walk run stagger (tired...

Happy Christmas One and All!

Yes I know there is technically one week to go but I won't be around much (if at all) between now and then! So: HAPPY CHRISTMAS!! May Santa bring you all you wish for! Anyway, now for a quick update. Friday I didn't run not only because I needed the rest but because I need Calpol! Yes Gnome has decided now is an excellent time to get a cough/cold! Bless! So instead of a relaxing mug of soup over a good book (yes still reading the Competitive Runner's Handbook) it was a dash down the road to the very busy Fosse Park and play spot the parking space. Then dash to Boots (interval training slalom style), M&S, JJB and W H Smith (well thought I would grab a few last minute bits whilst I was there!). Followed by a dash back to the office. Yesterday I was thinking of running and almost went out but stuff had to be done and Gnome was poorly so I stayed in. So today I was up and ready to run when I looked out and saw white icy roads. Typical! Anyway I was only planning a short o...

I Need a Holiday!

It's been a long time since I was off work - August in fact. The new job is great but I have been using my brain and concentrating so much I am now one tired Pixie. Fatigue is hitting home and affecting things. Tuesday I was off and my brain said "take advantage of this time!" so I went swimming for 1hour. Yesterday I did, maybe somewhat foolishly, go for a run. The wind was very strong and my legs were tired so I recorded my slowest run in ages - beginning of October in fact. When I finished I was struggling to run (it was up hill into the wind mind!) and my heel was a little niggly. I had 8hrs solid sleep last night and still tired. I'm drinking more tea at work than I have for literally years (this I proving expensive so I will investigate the use of a thermos!) and I am in need of a break! I'm supposed to be running with L tomorrow. I've said I am not 100% sure although I will have my kit, as my heel is niggly. Feel guilty about saying that and guilty at c...

Sensible Head

The choice was getting wet or getting wet. I opted for the wet but warm option rather than the wet, cold and wind swept option! So 1m done at the pool including 2 goals being achieved and some board work. I said a while ago I wanted to be able to do 20 lengths non stop DONE and 10 lengths of front crawl non stop DONE!! So happy pixie. Used a different pool today as I wanted to see about lessons for Gnome. It was a nightmare to locate the car park and once I found it, it was full to the brim with cars circling for spaces so I drove the 200m down the road to the free parking and nabbed the last space there instead! The pool is old so not pretty or ponced up but it is clean and in good repair and they do Saturday lessons and Gnome can start this week! OK so he then has 2 weeks off but how good is that! My other option was the pool near work and a possible start mid February! So just need to get the OK from Gnome and a commitment to get out of bed for a 9:30 lesson every week until March (...


Today I woke up (having finally got to sleep) to lashings of wet stuff outside. I packed my kit and wondered if it would get used. I had hardly slept so was tired meaning a missed run wouldn't leave me depressed! But at 11:30 boss pops her head round .... "12 OK for our run???" and I say yes! We chose a different route today, down the 1/2m long drive, along the road then up onto the trail and to the back gate. The first 1m or more was predominantly down so legs took me along happily. Then there was a short steep up to the trail where I deliberately pushed ahead to enable me to walk as it was only 1 person wide! I had already decided this was gonna be hard! I was tired and the lack of rest was showing! Along the trail I battled to stay with boss and ignored the demons screaming walk. I was working hard my legs were not happy but again at about the 2/3 mark I pushed ahead to allow a short walk! Down a steep wet slimy muddy slope to a road - I was being sensible of course!! ...

Glitter Everywhere!

Today we finally got round to putting up the Christmas decs. I wrote some cards, made the lantern and started to glitter the snowman's hat! The carpet (already hoovered twice this weekend) is not covered in glitter! To maintain the pretty coloured theme I have two kiddie plasters (1 red 1 yellow!) on my left hand (Sunday roasts are dangerous I tell you!) and the wrapping paper is ready for use. Shortly I will settle down with the last of last nights wine and attach the wrapping! I did think about running today but the weather was awful and my legs don't approve of the excessive board work I did in the pool yesterday! Tomorrow I will be talking my kit to work however and Tuesday as I am off I may do a longer run - or a short run and a swim at a potential swimming lesson pool! Whilst reading RW magazine last night I did seriously consider a NYD 5m in Derbyshire and then thought NO I'm not up to race pace and I won't even look at races until I am consistently running 10m...

Stuff! Good Stuff!

Oh now where to start! OK easy one 1st ... I now have a size small but actually quiet large FLM top! Matches me rather large FLM finishers tee! This is good news as it doesn't mean I have to torment myself with deferring!! Also today Gnome and I swam. He's not going to be up to the swimathon as the shortest individual distance is 100 lengths! The team event is 200 lengths! So next year then! In the mean time I will try and find him some lessons. Now for the best-est news! Friday I was tired, didn't really want to run but took my kit anyway. I was worried about being tired and running with L as I am so much slower than her. Work was busy so I tried to use that as an excuse to get out of running then to run a shorter route, but L being my boss as such said we were fine! When walking up the stairs in the morning my legs had felt tired. This was not going to be pretty! I had ended up walking on Thursday and this was my 1st proper week of 3 runs in months and this was back to ba...

New Running Buddy

J may have only left Thursday but by Friday I had a new partner sorted. We ran on Monday and again today and will be out tomorrow too probably (my 1st 3 run week for months). L is my boss (well the boss of my boss to be accurate!) and hasn't run for a few months. Before our 1st run I found out some gossip about her and this is what I now know about my new running partner. L used to be a county cross country runner! Her best pace is 5:15mm pace! We did the normal 3m loop - no walking (1st run in months?) and she didn't break a sweat! HELP!! Looks like I'm going to have to start working hard on my runs! Diet is not brilliant but the ladies at work have decided to do a team "diet club" in January and I'm joining, because of this and the cost I may drop the WW classes and just weigh with them and follow the ww plan. One of the ladies is about my weight and wants to lose the same as me. She doesn't exercise. In January she is also off on holiday for 3wks after ...

Do you know what?

I'm actually starting to think that maybe just maybe I will start to see my dreams happening soon! My last few runs have all been under 12mm pace in fact the last 2 have been closer to 11mm pace. So my short term goals are now .... 10mm pace by the end of Jan 2007. My current 11mm pace is verging on proper runner rather than plodder and when I get to 10mm pace I think I can then be a proper runner verging on competitive. I'm not in the least bit bothered about distance - I'm happy with my 3m runs at work and I want to get the time right down before I increase the distance. I have no races to enter so distance isn't an issue. Still no FLM magazine but I am expecting my FLM jacket this week! Oh and a HUGE well done to Spans who has just reported in as winning lady at The Grim!!