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Showing posts from January, 2007

Staying Focused

Well OK so Monday I slipped but Tuesday I did 2 full sessions and today I did 2 half sessions. One thing I have really noticed is that my body is having to adjust a lot more than I expected it too. It's not the level of exercise or the impact it's simply my posture. For what must be the 1st time in ages I am concentrating 100% on walking upright and using muscles that aren't used to it. The front of my quads and hips are stretching (especially my right side - the weaker side) and my butt is having to work. So surprisingly I have a few niggles but I know that it is use not injury so I am carrying on. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit so ... :-D Work weigh-in saw 1lb off or 3lb in 3weeks which is good, slow but steady and that's what I need. I hope to, over time, increase my low impact sessions so that I exercise more too. On the whole my eating has improved with me being aware of hunger vs emotional eating. Today however I was tired very tired and head said SUGA...

Exercise is the Best Life Insurance Policy

Just thought I would share that quote with you! I won't, however, tell you that it was said by Mr Motivator in his latest exercise DVD 'cos then you might think that I was a sad person and had said DVD which >blushes starts to burn up Another good one is: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson Now that is a quality quote and SOOOooo true isn't it! Anyway last week. Thank you for the kind comments! Now as a follow up I can update you on my week (well 6days): Walked : 12.5m Stepper : 2118 steps Exercise bike : 6.4m Not bad if I say so myself! This is a lot more exercise than I have been doing and I am working at a low level so hopefully this is not only burning calories but building base fitness too. So as a follow on to this I have some targets for me! By the end of April I want to have: " Walked " the Grand Union Canal - 175m " Ste...

So ... how's the new plan going?

Well actually it's good! I did 2.6m walking yesterday and 3.2m today. I've also not suffered my normal "have run must eat" post run munches. This I think will be very helpful and hopefully will help break that habit! Yesterday I decided to work out my rest heart rate, as I am useless at finding my pulse I put on my HRM and was delighted to get a reading of 48. Then for some kind or warped laugh I decided to wear it for the day! Now I only had it reading not recording so can't give you lots of stats but I did discover a few things. Walking round the office I am nice and chilled with a HR around 100. Climbing the stairs (all 72) sees my HR shot up to 165 (and lots of heavy breathing). Driving is about 80-90. Now if I sit "normally" my HRM bleeps at me! It can't get a reading as I lean forward and slouch so much! So a HRM can also be a useful tool to help you watch your posture! At lunch I went for my walk, the 1st part was a continual slight incline an...

Trail Separation

It's no good I can't take any more. The feelings of failure, being demoralised and just feeling constantly useless. Never feeling good enough, never managing to get it right ....So that's it, I've had enough. I can't take any more. It's with great regret and heartache that I have to say yes to a trail separation. The affair started in July 2002. I was approaching 30 and fat and frumpy and unfit. So on 4th July and I pulled on my trainers for the 1st time. Since then the lure of being hot and sweaty and out of breath has kept the affair strong. Through the years I've suffered heartache and pain, injury, joy and frustration. The love is there and it's strong but I can't take any more upset. So ... me and running are having a trial separation. I don't want to split but it's no good. I can't take the mirror laughing at me anymore. I can't take the "impact ripple" of my thunder thighs, the chaffing from my bra or HRM and the nigg...

Highs & Lows!

Well been a bit of a mixed time since I last blogged! The weekend was good! OK so I didn't run but I did have another great day at the Cavern and swimming with the Buzzy ones and Raptorites and Gnome! Saturday I did a "lets empty the kitchen so I don't have to worry about time tomorrow" thing. Monday I had a sore quad. This I decided was a slight touch of DOMS (after I had cancelled my run!) from the kitchen clearing (think climbing on stool and going on tip toe of one leg (same one) to check cupboards are empty). Tuesday (Kitchen day!) and I decided I would try a run alone so no pressure. Leg better but not 100%. This is my Fetch report: "Really awful run, didn't run yesterday due to sore right quad (believed to be DOMS (el-Bee) due to kitchen work!) but wasn't bad today so thought it would be good to run it out. Solo run and horrid. Calves a little tight but not too bad, form awful (had to keep on relaxing shoulders) and was aware of quad. In the last 1...

Puddle Running!

Yep it's been raining lots and lots and I was out for a run today!! LA and I almost forewent today's run as the rain was fantastic this morning but come 11:55 it seemed to slow and by the time we had changed it had stopped. It was still windy mind! We decided to do our normal route in reverse. The golf course we cross was deserted and water logged! Then we discovered the side gate out of the golf course was locked (no golfers so closed I guess!) meaning we had to double back and "jog" through the actual leisure centre!! I then realised that the road through the village was actually all downhill for most of the last mile meaning that there was a huge chunk of uphill to do! Pixies are very bad at going uphill's (I'm not allowed to say Pixies don't do hills since TW or buzzy people shout at me!). I have no hill stamina what so ever (yes I know I need to do some hill work!) so I struggled. Once I was up the hill I made up the 20-30ft gap between LA and I and m...

I Been Running!

Yep twice already and another planned Thursday and maybe even a short trot on Sunday with a buzzy one following a splashing session! >beams enthusiastically Ok so Monday. Got up and again massaged legs. Was conscious of last week's bad runs and running with LA. She had a meeting at 1 so I knew she would want to get on and run. As it turned out she was late getting to the changing (so I stretched and warmed up! >listens for applause Today LA decided we would do the slightly longer route. Down hill for the 1st 1-1.5m then uphill all the way home. Today was also VERY windy. Dry but very very strong winds. I just couldn't cope, I was running but felt like I was going nowhere. We've only done this route once and my 1st checkpoint (!! end of downhill section) was 2mins slower. After that I was just too shot to take advantage of any time we were sheltered. The other checkpoints were only 30secs out which I was pleased with! Again I kept running like yesterday but my legs wer...

Week One Gone!

Well it seems to have passed fairly quickly doesn't it, but yes we are now at the end of week one of 2007! Surprisingly I am not reporting failure left right and center! So far I have eaten more fruit and veg, run 3 times, stretched and done some abs work! I've also swum once and I will be doing a double today (morning run, afternoon swim) as Gnome wants to swim today! This morning I have been out and done my 3rd run of the week. Three short runs see just 8.42m clocked up so this month looks like it will be short on the 40m, but consistency is the key and the last 2 years have seen a good week 1 and 2 then nothing! Today's run was better than Friday's in that I didn't walk and the legs were less tight but was still slower than I had been running. I got up, made some tea then massaged my lower legs for 30mins. Drank my tea, changed and headed out the door. The 201 wasn't playing ball today saying I had done 1m within 3mins! So I just ran. After Friday's effor...

Welcome to 2007!

OK so I'm a tad late on this post, I'll blame my course as I was away in Manchester for 2 nights with no Internet access! Right then resolutions? Hmmm Ok here goes. Stop eating diet food - was sent a free sample of slimfast soup which was so foul I didn't eat it and when I looked at it the slimfast was worse nutritionally than Heinz Big Soup! Run 500m in 2007 , did 400m in 2006 and if I can do 40m per month this is 480m, just add a couple of races and a couple of good weeks and Bob's your uncle! Aim to do the 5K swimathon (did my fastest 1m swim Christmas week - 43mins) This means I need to do some swimming! Gnome wants to do the Green Park Challenge at the Reading half marathon so I may see if I can swim this at Reading. Drink more eat less lose weight eat more fruit (the normal!) Well you expected that didn't you! The ladies in the team attached to mine are doing a team "diet" as of Monday so I am joining in. This also means I will/have stopped WW. I ...