Firstly I would like to say I have not been near scales for 2-3 weeks and I am not desperate to get back on them! With Easter, my birthday (meal), Gran's birthday (meal) and a 3 day course in London (meals at lunch, hotel in evening) it may not be too great!
On the bright side I ran (twice) and walked (lots cos I kept on getting lost!). I did 2 runs of over 2miles and walked 3-5m on all three days. Given the heat and the stupid people giving out free papers and all the pedestrians it was hard work!
Today I saw Mr Fit PT guy. I told him my 2007 goal was lose 2st and take at least 5mins off my 5k time. Said what I was doing/had done and that my overall goal was a GFA. I should get a plan tomorrow but I think I will suffer! As an example:
On the tready today he made me do 6mins at 10:30 pace (after a 2min warm up and the 11min pace I normally try to maintain) at an incline because it was good for me!
Then there was the bike on a higher cadence than I normally do (90 RPM instead of 75) oh and the rower at a harder pace too.
Still if I get the weight off, stay injury free (I did tell him all my injuries!) and get faster then I'll do it!
On the bright side I ran (twice) and walked (lots cos I kept on getting lost!). I did 2 runs of over 2miles and walked 3-5m on all three days. Given the heat and the stupid people giving out free papers and all the pedestrians it was hard work!
Today I saw Mr Fit PT guy. I told him my 2007 goal was lose 2st and take at least 5mins off my 5k time. Said what I was doing/had done and that my overall goal was a GFA. I should get a plan tomorrow but I think I will suffer! As an example:
On the tready today he made me do 6mins at 10:30 pace (after a 2min warm up and the 11min pace I normally try to maintain) at an incline because it was good for me!
Then there was the bike on a higher cadence than I normally do (90 RPM instead of 75) oh and the rower at a harder pace too.
Still if I get the weight off, stay injury free (I did tell him all my injuries!) and get faster then I'll do it!