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Maybe I am a Goldfish!

Well they are supposed to have bad memories aren't they?!?!

OK so diet was going great then there was last week off, birthday cakes at work yesterday and stress/panic eating today due to a presentation to do at work. I hate presentations.

So I must get my head back in line tomorrow as next week I have 3 days in London which won't be a lettuce leaf lunch (pub meals instead) and little exercise (no hotel gym this time) apart from the 1/2m walk to the course.

Anyway there is also another reason for being a goldfish. Today I went to the gym at lunch. As my presentation was after this I did a warm up then weights, toning and abs work to exercise but not get too hot and or flustered as I didn't think the red glow would look too professional! Yesterday I also did some CV work so it was cool to have an easier session today.

I drive home (no visit to the garden centre as I was dropping a colleague) and the weather was gawjus and the house was empty and >hangs head< I went for a run! My 1st proper outside run since the new year. OK so I've not lost all I said I would before i ran again but the weather was just perfect and and and it was lovely!

I walked at 1.85m (23mins) to read and reply to a text message and finished with a long (5-6mins) cool down walk (up-hill!) so the time was slow and I only did 2.5m in total but it was fab! Anyway RFL isn't that far off so I do need some running don't I!??!?!?!


b-z said…
Nice to see you back running

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