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I am an Athlete!

Many years ago I did a weekend camp for marathon runners.

I will always remember that the chap who ran it (an former Olympic runner) said

"Every single one of you here is an Athlete. It doesn't matter what speed you run at you are an athlete. If you put your trainers on and train then you are an athlete"

So that's me.

I'm an Athlete in Training.

Why an athlete in training and not just an athlete? Well I firmly believe that we can always improve. Or aim to improve in one small way or another. Perfection is not a thing and therefore we are always improving and therefore training!

One thing that Ami has said is that the mind likes to work, to be used and to do "stuff" (she might have been more technical than me there!). So if you stop using it and doing things then you are actually doing your brain harm. Not using your brain is the worse thing you can do - it is, just like your muscles, a case of use it or lose it. And the less you use your brain the greater the chance of Alzheimer's disease. So l keep using you brain and challenging it.

I am currently in a job that does not make me smile in any way. I know I am not using my brain. I was a teacher for 7 years, when I was constantly having to use my brain to learn things as well as teach things so not having anything to do and not using my brain is driving me mad. (It really doesn't help that I work for a biscuit company and when I am bored I eat!)

And this is how Ami has helped me.

This is how I came to be plotting my escape and move to a more fulfilling job. I am hoping that by the new year I will be on the path to becoming a swimming teacher.

I can swim and I can teach and I love exercise so it seems a good combination.

I have already been able to use my mind by taking a couple of online courses with the Institute of Swimming and it is very much evident that I will have lots to learn too.

As an athlete this can only help me. If I am working for the gym I can use the gym for free so can do more of the strength work that I know I should do but don't. I can learn more about the body and how to use the machines and the free weights to optimise my running body and maybe get back to being a triathlete too!

My long term aim is to be fast enough to qualify for The London Marathon! This needs less body fat, more fitness and more speed. So I will be in training for a long time!

I will be training both body and mind as the miles needed to get to the position where I can qualify means I need to take care of my body and fuel it properly. To have a positive mindset and be kinder to myself.

I have lots of things that I can expand my mind on which in turn will help me to become my own coach and plan my training rather than just running as I do now.

At the moment though I am tapering for a race next weekend. I did the same race last year and have trained a lot better this year and hope to take up  to 30 mins off my time!


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