One of the things that Ami has been helping us with on her course is mindset.
I’ve been running for years. As age and waistline have increased (haha) my pace has reduced. I’ve become a plodder. My pace per mile for a 15 mile run isn’t much different to that of a 4 mile run. Logically the shorter the distance the faster the pace. But not me. I’m a one pace pony.
Whilst doing Ami’s course I’ve started to work on believing in myself and one area that I have focused on is my running. I’m not fast by no means but in recent runs I have noticed a definite difference in my attitude to running.
Today I decided mid run to try and run the next mile as fast as I could. And I did … doing a mile today about 3 minutes quicker than the last time I tried to do a fast mile which was in May! There were several moments when I thought nah this is hard work I’ll stop but I didn’t I changed my mindset to say I believed I was strong enough to keep going and to push on again.
On a couple of other runs where the road was undulating I’ve started to push on the hills rather than slow down and accept it. My mind is now focusing on keeping the pace going rather then just slowing down because it’s a hill.
When training for a long distance race my long runs normally drop to run walk as the mileage increases but this time I've focused on keeping running non stop and found I can keep plodding along for 15 miles at the same pace and that I don’t need to walk.
I’m proving to myself again and again that I am stronger than I thought and that my mind can lie! It wants the easy option that sees a ✅ against the distance but doesn’t see progression.
My race is in 2-3 weeks and I’m hoping to really seeing improvement over the same race last year.
Next on my list is to take this mindset into other areas of my life specifically weight strength and fitness.
Thanks to Ami I think I’m in a better position to see progress over the next weeks and months.