Sunday I did my first proper cross country - a club league event. I was last. There was only about 160 runners so I was very last and the car park was all but empty (apart from my lift!) when I finished.
It was damn hard work too ... I aimed for 80 mins given that it was described as "a proper XC with testing hills on both laps" - considering this part of the country think that hills in my mind are slight slops I was scared! The morning brought rain too, lots of rain so it was also a mud bath! I still have mud in my toe nails despite 2 baths and 2 showers!
My actual time was 82 mins so I was really pleased if somewhat demoralised at being last! I was also convinced by the end of the race that I wasn't going to do XC I would stick to roads (well at least until FLM is over with!) and that if I did do XC I needed spikes not just off road shoes!
Yesterday I felt really quiet good - I was expecting to be stiff like last week but was fine! Which shows improvement in it...
Athlete in Training! Follow the Dream ... I was told last year that being a runner makes you an athlete and I didn't really believe it. I was also told by someone else that being a good runner is as much in the mind as it is about running. Now that I do believe and it's starting to show! Now I AM an athlete in training!