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Time to Reflect

I've mentioned before that I am a diet junky, but one thing that this addiction has taught me is the signs to watch for.

As of last Saturday I had lost 5lb - that was in 12 days. I was delighted. I knew that I had possible been a little low of calories but reconed that a kick start was good, after all a lot of diets/healthy eating plans started with 2 weeks of lower intact to kick start the plan and make you feel good with a high weight lose.
So I carried on as before.

Only the last 2-3 days I have noticed that I have been really tired and yesterday and today I have eaten a lot, not as much as I have before or as much as I could have eaten but a lot more than the last two weeks.

So the analytical head has come into force. I haven't been running or exercising lots; I may be in work earlier but I am leaving early then dosing most of the afternoon with Oliver. This means just one thing.... I've cut back too much.
I haven't lost any weight since Saturday (I may had put 1lb back on) either so this confirms it.

So I'll have a "normal" weekend and then back to work on Monday with a little more control .... reduce the calories but not too much! If possible I will increase the exercise so as not to worry too much about the calories, I think this has been my main problem this last week or so - I know my exercise is down so I've made more of a point of keeping the calories down too. Not good!

Also today I have had a few twinges in my back - time to start the pilates again, the back strengthening exercises and the tummy toning!! My posture is going pear shaped again!!

And now back to Paula's book .... :-D


James said…
If I were you I wouldnt worry too much about the calories, let the running take care of that. I dont know how much you are hoping to lose but if you are uping the mileage towards April hopefully everything will start to take care of itself. Then again that may just be the waffle of someone who doesnt really have to worry about losing weight and doesnt fully understand the issue...I think I better just waddle off now!
beanz said…
It certainly sounds like you need to eat a bit more, EP.
It's so hard to get the balance right isn't it.

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