Well hmm what can I say!
Ok lets try this ...
Fitness - overall levels good but as always could be better!
Weight - huh not going anywhere :-(
Health - yep all fine and dandy!
So I am forming a plan.
Over the years I have come to realise I love food, eat for comfort and emotional reasons and to date have not found the cure to allow me to eat less and lose weight.
I have plenty of running goals ... faster times etc.
So why not try and combine them all. They say that the more you train the more you want to eat healthy so ....
I may not be good at controlling the number of calories I take in but I can control those being used. I'm going to up my training.
This means I get fitter and healthier and even if I don't drop into the healthy eating eat for fuel thing it's not bad. As nurse said I am healthy!
As a connected issue I still have no idea about this club Tri ... not sure if "springs" is Champney Springs and there is no time just cost! So I'm going to climb onto the Bollox To It train!
Then take a HUGE gulp.
Check my bank account.
Wibble ..... and if I have £28 by the end of the month I am entering the Concorde Tri!
I'm at my mum's that weekend anyway so no extra jounrney.
Gives me a goal to aim for and time to train properly.
I have to swim, bike and run so extra training and mixed training with new muscles being used etc.
This plan means at least 6 sessions a week (2 for each) so that's an increase in training.
Who knows it may also be the kick I need for weight lose and improve my running. I think it is VERY VERY unlikely that it will make a pirate of me mind!!
Ok lets try this ...
Fitness - overall levels good but as always could be better!
Weight - huh not going anywhere :-(
Health - yep all fine and dandy!
So I am forming a plan.
Over the years I have come to realise I love food, eat for comfort and emotional reasons and to date have not found the cure to allow me to eat less and lose weight.
I have plenty of running goals ... faster times etc.
So why not try and combine them all. They say that the more you train the more you want to eat healthy so ....
I may not be good at controlling the number of calories I take in but I can control those being used. I'm going to up my training.
This means I get fitter and healthier and even if I don't drop into the healthy eating eat for fuel thing it's not bad. As nurse said I am healthy!
As a connected issue I still have no idea about this club Tri ... not sure if "springs" is Champney Springs and there is no time just cost! So I'm going to climb onto the Bollox To It train!
Then take a HUGE gulp.
Check my bank account.
Wibble ..... and if I have £28 by the end of the month I am entering the Concorde Tri!
I'm at my mum's that weekend anyway so no extra jounrney.
Gives me a goal to aim for and time to train properly.
I have to swim, bike and run so extra training and mixed training with new muscles being used etc.
This plan means at least 6 sessions a week (2 for each) so that's an increase in training.
Who knows it may also be the kick I need for weight lose and improve my running. I think it is VERY VERY unlikely that it will make a pirate of me mind!!
If you enjoy the club tri, find the £28 and do Concorde - can't be that strapped for cash surely?
bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike bike
SNG at least I haven't be lured by Benz to do an ultra like you!!
thats isnt a "no " then
I'll second Wombly on that book - I got a copy dead cheap :oD
he's doing an ultra fanks to Benz!