"isn't it funny how bees like honey …." Well I have a similar thought …. "isn't it funny how 1 small bit of exercise changes things!" Yes it's 4 weeks tomorrow since my foot went OUCH. Since then I have done Nowt. Sunday I went swimbling with Gnome and that seems to have done the trick!! Yesterday I had to do some shopping at lunch but by parking 10 mins walk away from the shop I got a nice walk in! Today (drum roll please!) I went swimbling before work! Did 1.2km and in my 3rd fastest time of the year! (Beams 'cos she has not swum lengths properly since well before TW!) Then at lunch I put on my runners and went for a 25-30mins walk in the rain! Beaming from ear to ear cos it was good! A couple of short jogettes found the foot niggle was there but not hurting as such. Also seems OK since I have returned from my walk which is nice too!! So plan … tomorrow another lunchtime walk (no more pre-work swimming this week as I am on the school run), shorter ...
Athlete in Training! Follow the Dream ... I was told last year that being a runner makes you an athlete and I didn't really believe it. I was also told by someone else that being a good runner is as much in the mind as it is about running. Now that I do believe and it's starting to show! Now I AM an athlete in training!