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Back To The Pool Me Finks

Well I may not be able to afford the posh gym but there is a local council pool/leisure center just next to the business park. They have a pool. So I will be checking that out and soon.

Why? Well V-Rap did the Dr thing and made me go big OUCH. Her conclusion was "see a Dr and ask for a bone scan. Probably a tendon strain but can't rule out stress fracture of the metatarsal" i.e. keep on taking the drugs, slap on a tubi grip bandage and no running until it's better which if if is a fracture could be 6-8wks. Husbands comment was ... all these injuries you should stop running!

On the brighter side I have seen some lovely kit in Sutton Runner and I knew which shoes I want and very bling they are too! Oh and Gnome has some bling shoes too!!


shortnginger said…
lo pixie sorry ya foots playing up but dont dwell on it get in the pool and refresh those webbed feet and youll be fine keep us posted what the doc says

sounds like new job is great pleased ya still enjoyin it
be good
Treacle Tart said…
Poor foot - get yourself to the pool for some Tri training instead:-)

Glad the new job is working out for you babe:-)
b-z said…
Tri training


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