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Back Down to Earth

Well I can't sit on a fluffy cloud of "winner" happiness for ever now can I!?!

So ... Been out walking again today having failed to get up this morning to use the bike. It was far to cold (heating hadn't gone on yet) and I was tired. In fact I failed to get up for another 50mins and I have to admit I have felt more alive today because of it.

Lunchtime saw me out for my 3m walk in the crisp clean air and I still have hopes of 30mins on the bike tonight >failed again as tired and I want a nice hot bath and snuggly bed!< I really want to get in some doubles and up to the 90mins a day. I think the mornings are harder for me, I am not a morning person! Or it could just be that I have been getting up earlier for over 2 weeks and body is telling me this!

I will be joining the gym when I get back from my course, so that I can use it whilst Gnome is in his swimming lesson, swim more and also do 1or 2 classes (body balance and or body pump). Again this will enable me to consistently exercise more which is all part of the master plan!

In 150 days (yes that's a target date!) I have the Leicester Race For Life (entry paid for by work so I must get some sponsorship which they will then match!). I will run it all and aim for a new PB and a time in the region of 31 mins. The weight hasn't dropped as easily as I had hoped so I will be paying a lot more attention to intake (work is quiet today and I've been thinking "what can I eat" whilst also thinking "nothing as you aren't hungry" which is a good thing!). I will continue with my plan as it stands until the end of March and then I will start to introduce some walk/runs as I will need to run to get a 5k PB!

Weight is still my main goal for the year. I've lost 3lb so far (am awaiting forms from Macmillan for that sponsored diet which looks like it may become a corporate thing AND it looks like they are getting a Rosemary Conley class at work!) but I still have a long way to go. It may take a long time but go it must! After all Coach Spans is getting married in June and if I am lucky …. :-D

Next week I will be away for most of the week (so expect a long silence!) and I am popping down south for a course in SAS. Before I applied for this job I thought SAS was a bunch of top class and deadly men who went round the world saving people in the style of 007! In fact it's nothing to do with security or guns or fit men (shame!) but data. This will be my 3rd course since I started here which is a little under 6mths ago. I don't have anything planned after that mind!

We've also heard from J who has now flown out of the UK. His destination was changed from Afghanistan …. He is now somewhere hot, sunny and sandy. The country name has 4 letters and ends in Q, and he's in an US airbase in a place beginning with a B in the north of the country. Quote from his last mail:

" hearing (for sirens) is improving, and my sprint time is definitely getting better :) or should that be :("

Fingers crossed his next line won't come true "If I die here I will be very annoyed". Only 40days and he should be back in the UK. Hopefully that time will fly and he'll get back safer but not too much fitter and not a racing snake or I will be in trouble!


fraggle said…
Fingers crossed for you colleague Pix.

Was always like that with my Dad - they can never tell you where they are, but can drop pretty heavy hints. In the first Gulf War, he called me to say he was off somewhere hot, and not to worry about him - ahem, how can you *not* worry?
b-z said…
If your body is teling you it is tired-then do take some notice of it

you are getting plenty of consistent training in as it is

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