11 days and counting!
Going to try 5 sets of 30 seconds walk 30 seconds run at lunch - will report back later .... wibble!
Later that day ....
If anyone had said to me that running for 30 seconds would bring me to tears I would have laughed at them!
Well off I went with a 5 minute walk to the park to ensure I was warmed up. The park is tiny so 30 seconds meant almost 3 sides of the patch of grass I had chosen to trot on. The first set was done with my fingers crossed - literally! The second was "Normal". As I went into the 3rd my hands relaxed to normal position instead of fingers crossed. The 4th set brought about a HUGE grin and the final set I was close to tears.
I was aware of the leg as I expected to be but I can't say it hurt. I then spent more time stretching than I had running!
Going to try 5 sets of 30 seconds walk 30 seconds run at lunch - will report back later .... wibble!
Later that day ....
If anyone had said to me that running for 30 seconds would bring me to tears I would have laughed at them!
Well off I went with a 5 minute walk to the park to ensure I was warmed up. The park is tiny so 30 seconds meant almost 3 sides of the patch of grass I had chosen to trot on. The first set was done with my fingers crossed - literally! The second was "Normal". As I went into the 3rd my hands relaxed to normal position instead of fingers crossed. The 4th set brought about a HUGE grin and the final set I was close to tears.
I was aware of the leg as I expected to be but I can't say it hurt. I then spent more time stretching than I had running!
When do you see the physio again? I wouldn't go mad over the next few days, wouldn't want to bollox things up again.
My 2005 blog is still there, but now dud, as I've moved it to
can you update your link please Pixel?