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Showing posts from September, 2006

Warning! Brain at Work!

Pixie Brain at Work! Yes this is serious! I think I may be in danger of actually using my brain properly!! So I've been in this role 2 weeks now. I've re-discovered UNIX, had to try and work my fingers round VI and a new Oracle DB and today I used SAS!! Twice! Totally different! Totally scary and weird! Still this is a Good Thing! I even had a 1-2-1 today! I've only been there 2 wks! I was at the old place for 5.5yrs and had a total of about 5! They were talking about how to succeed and archiving good stuff (I have my 1st mail (sent to manager so not seen it yet!) saying a big well done and thank you for work!) and they talked about achieving stuff and pay reviews/rises and training courses! All alien words in my old world!! So review of the 1st two weeks .... FAB!! I've run 3 times this week - twice in company. I've learnt stuff, lost some weight, made new friends and really feel part of the team! So pleased! Tuesday I even have a formal "New Starter" wo...

Another Day Another $

>Pixie flops half asleep onto chair Last night I decided that it would be a really good idea to strip some more of the hallway wall paper off. I was already tired from the brain usage in new job and then running two days in a row so maybe not my best idea! I slept well mind! Bit too well as I had no recollection of the alarm going off and nearly ended up being late! Anyyyyyway … I got in with kit and I'm half asleep! It's taken 2 large cuppa teas at work (total 3 for the morning instead of normal 1!) to make me feel even half awake! Brain is definitely in go slow mode! Think it will be a bath and early night for the Pixie tonight! Lunchtime … run with the boys (!!) Well I ran with J and S played chase again! He caught us within 19mins then stormed off into the distance! Today was much nicer running weather and J decided I should do a longer run so he could show me more routes! Fair enough! Whilst out we chatted about his RAF stuff, how often does he get called up etc etc. We...


Just maybe my mojo is back! You know what I did today? I runned!! That's twice in two days!! This one was a solo affair, just me, my trainers, the 201 and the roads. Plan was a structured walk/run and short run. Reality was a run ... oh this is fun ... run ... oh tired... walk.. run ..walk .... >looks at watch looks at 201 sees pace 8:30 beams breathing hard looks at watch I'm sure you get the picture! So in total today was 2.35m (so a smidge shorter than yesterday) and 30:46 so a tiny bit slower at 13mm pace (ish) not 12 but hey it was meant to be a slower, shorter recovery sort of run! I got back to the changing room, sat down and finished my drink. The other lady in there said "I know it's horrid ..." (I'm thinking ... weather wasn't bad! Run was good!)"... I hate running". I just smiled! J was impressed I went out today and hasn't cancelled tomorrow so maybe 3 in a row for the pixie???!!! So what did we learn today? Pixie can run fast...

Wow! Munchtime Running!!

>beams foolishly Today I was scared! Nervous. Excited. Worried and generally wibbling. Today I would be running with the lads! Would I look like a slow fat slug? Would I be able to keep up? Prevent J from doing his thing? .... there were so many things going through my head. Part of me wanted to say I would do my own thing. Part of me said don't be daft. I work with J. He's my team colleague and mentor and sits next to me and shows me the ropes and he's a great chap! RAF reserve (working at my place for 20yrs) and therefore fit. Best run on the 3m loop was 26mins. Then there was S (working at my place for 30yrs!) who normally does 6m in his lunch run! He plays chase and catch up. Most of their runs include "whistlers way" which is a dis-used rail way line (not dissimilar to the Ivanhoe Way) so great for running on but not easy to pin point on the map. J was going to take me there then I could either "bimble" with him or do my own thing. We ended up bi...

I'm here! Really I am!

[waves madly] Hello!!!! I'm alive! Honest! Well work is brilliant and I almost don't notice the lack of forum access! I can get to RW articles! Also Fetch (and fetch mail) but not the forums or my mail so if anyone wants to speak then it's evenings only or Fetch! Training has been well err nothing since last week's 1 run! But I did walk round Roman Silchester with Gnome on Saturday! It was very nice and warm and only 2.8km but took us ages! Gnome is going off the idea of walking Hadrian's Wall now! Now here are my excuses for not running at the weekend: Friday I didn't drink enough with the drive down and late night and I had a restless night with "crampy" legs so felt awful and tired 1st thing Saturday; then I was waiting for husband; then it was too hot; then we walked the Roman wall! Then I drank too much to get up early enough to run Sunday before the family do!! BUT tomorrow I will be going for a run with "the boys" at work! Well at leas...

News from the Back of Beyond

[looks at last update] hmmm sorry been a bit lapse! So lets have a quick review ... started new job on Monday and well 'tis good! I'm really pleased so far and think this is going to work out an excellent move! Monday arrived and I got there on time despite life being awkward 1st thing! The first "job" was to be shown my "new starter handbook" and a walking tour of the buildings which took about 45mins!! My desk is on the 3rd floor of building 3 and since day one I have, so far, used the lift twice. I've started "office hill work" as there are 72 stairs to my floor!! Well if Bee can do hill work on the tube why can't I!? Ok so my hill isn't as big as Bee's hill but then I am only a pixie!! The building is "cash free" so getting drinks etc is all on card ... as I didn't have a card the boss bought me drinks and even a kit kat (which is still in my desk draw (beams) [edit ...what kitkat?] which made me feel very welcome...

So that's that then ...

I am gone, outta there left! I left early did some shopping in town, then a food shop with the plan of getting in a longer run in the afternoon. By the time I got home it was later than I planned and I needed food. This meant that I was not able to get a long run in and a shower before Gnome needed collecting from school! After last week's fun run Gnome had mentioned he would do another. I found one in Shepshed of just 1m and suggested he "trained" for it. He said he couldn't run with me 'cos I run too far so I decided to find a route of about 1m for him! This meant my walk to school and home took almost 2m (1.88 to be exact - yes I did take the 201!) and so that was my warm up! I dropped Gnome off home, slurped some squash and went straight out again. I've been looking in my Fetch log lately and well my mileage has been very low!! The last 2 weeks I had actually managed double figures!! Yesterday I did 4.3m which had been my longest run for about 7-8wks. So m...

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

This afternoon I sort of said good bye. There are well no managers in tomorrow so I was given my card and gift today (a book voucher - shop version not Amazon!). I will go in tomorrow but not for long. I feel a little sad but then I guess this is to be expected having worked there for 5 1/2yrs now. This is what I bought and this is what I will be reading over the next few days and taking with me on Monday! The O'Reilly books are always very good and well respected in the techy world so I don't think I can go wrong with this! It's more than a beginners book as it assumes some basic knowledge which I think I have!! I'm looking forward to Monday. To the start of my new life! Someone described it as going to a new school and that's how I feel! Excited but scared! I have new people to meet, names to remember, facts to remember. New skills to learn and everything! They did employee another person at the same time, so hopefully their contract was delayed too and we will b...

How Odd?

Today I am feeling odd, almost low. It's a strange feeling kinda sad and depleted. I'm guessing it's related to the fact that I am just 1 day away from being EX staff here. Could be the damp, grey weather or my weight too I guess. Maybe a combination of the lot! One thing that I do know I need to do, and v-rap hinted this yesterday, is get serious. I'm not going to get slimmer or faster or fitter or anything without putting in the work myself . Only I can do this. I am expecting the 1st week or 2 at the new place to tire me but it may not. If I have time to watch TV (which we all have to agree is crap most of the time!) then I have time to exercise. I need to be proactive and productive and really knuckle down. No excuses. Just do it (as Nike say!) So that's what I did! Before lunch I had a chat with Leon ... always Mr Sensible and you sit there nodding thinking "I know this! It's common sense and sensible! So why don't I!?" Anyway we chatted and w...

Last 3 Days ...

before I go and I've just been given permission to tell a sales person that the work they wanted to do is "not my problem"!! That was good! Also got a leaving card from the people in the Windsor office which is nice as I left there just over 2yrs ago. Bless! The card reads “Leaving? Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? Just look at what you are leaving behind … OK point taken!” My entry for Brass Monkey went in today! So now is time to start running (not pottering!) and start thinking about that shiny new PB! So I'm out pounding the streets of Loughborough today come rain or shine (and looking out of the window it looks like rain!) I am expecting to be very tired in the 1st few weeks at the new place but hope to still get some running in ... the tready may come into use as it means I can easily do a run and if I am tired I can stop and shower without having to keep going when I can't! This weekend I will be cross training ... need to empty the kitchen and ...

So lets get this right ...

We're runners ... we take care of ourselves ... and we pay to be hurt!?!! Yep last night it was time to see ouchy hurty lady! She agreed that yep my calves were tight and today I feel bruised! Yesterday poor Gnome was feeling the effects of his run (bless) but that didn't stop him going swimming with Boys Brigade last night! They only got 30mins mind as there was a MASSIVE storm! There was a power cut at the pool and so much rain the outside pool flooded and leaked into the male changing! Today I had to drag the poor love out of bed to get him up for school!! Later that same day .... Coach Spans insisted that a gentle walk run would do my legs good and given I had brought my kit in I thought I would give it a go. As my calves were tender I did 10mins of walking warm up and then 7 sets of 3 Run 2 Walk and then a 10mins cool down. OK so I was out for 55 mins and pushing my lunch "hour" but no one is paying any notice of me and I have no work so why not! The run was just...

Busy Weekend!

Saturday: The plan today was to see posh gym at new work place and then swim oh and do food shopping. New gym was amazing! It's expensive mind and if I don't use it then a big waste of money. If I lived close by I would! There is: 10+ racquets courts (in and out) full gym with TV screens on all CV machines separate core workout section (medicine balls, floor work area etc) separate weights separate treadies and cross trainers for "classes" studios for spinning/pilates/yoga KIDS gym! Full CV and weights for kids! Kids sessions of cricket/basketball/footy/hockey ...... 4 pools 2 hot tub things etc The list goes on! Problem is there is the question of will I use it. I am not sure of how things work at the new place, plus there is hubby's shift. So despite loving it I think it will be a no :-( I will, if I can run at work or even at work before work and shower there. After all in order to improve your running you do need to run! I am also thinking that for the 1st few...

The Countdown Continues

This time next week and I will be on my last day at work! Yippee! Not that I am counting! I'm looking forward to the challenges and the changes ahead ... I think I need it becuase at this moment in time I feel like my brain is slowlt dripping out of my ears! Last night we had a "not quite left" leaving meal ... a very nice curry with just a few friends from work. It was nice to have a giggle and a bitch! Today I feel just slightly err larger and intend to go for a run at lunch! Lunchtime Edit So my last two runs have been less than pleasing so today I decided that I would step back and repeat Tuesdays 3:3 rather than pushing ahead. I continued to think about this idea as I trotted today and I have decided that I will repeat this 3:3 for another couple of runs until I am feeling totally comfortable and the pace is consistent and ideally about the 10mm pace. Today's run was so much better than Tuesday! The pace was better and more consistent across the whole run. Like b...

Almost Leaving Do ....

Well following 2 "not so good" runs today I am resting. The problem is I am also having an "almost leaving curry" tonight and I've had a bad attack of the M&S bakery so tomorrow I have to run! That's the best I can do for today I'm afraid! Sorry!

Well? What Next?

I'm going to try and slowly increase my exercise. I have 2 minor goals ... firstly to be regularly doing over 20m p/w (and not stop when I start the new job!) and this leads into my second goal of (hangs head shamefully!) beating Zina at the Suicide Six(ish). 20MPW is something I have never achieved more than the odd week when training for, or doing!, a marafun. I normally hover around the 15m mark. Currently I am struggling to get to double figures! Ideally I would like to get to the stage of being able to run 25-30mpw but that is something that would have to come with speed as plodding that distance is well time consumming! Also running more will use more calories and hopefully lead to some weight lose. Zina did her 1st run with Leon and I on Saturday and is a natural. 1st run and she does 3.5m without walking. This girl is only going to get better if she trains and given where she lives she will train! OK maybe beat is too hard a word ... lets just say I don't want to be eat...

I Wish ...

I was on garden leave. I have 9 days left and I'm being given next to no work and not even been asked for help so bored and wondering why I am here! So I am sat here twidling my thumbs, googling UNIX and Shell Scripts etc whilst looking at books on Amazon and O'Reilley. I have a wish list of 3 books now. Yesterday I did nothing, well a bit of shopping at lunch and that was it. I did walk to/from Boys Brigade to collect Gnome but exercise wise that was it. Well it was a rest day! Today I have my kit with me and intend to potter at lunchtime. Well why not! Edit Well today was one of those runs when you just do them. It's not nice or pretty but you just do it and get to the end. 201 on wrist I went off full of the joys of someone who ran all of her last race (however slowly!) ... I soon discovered that my legs were still tired from the weekend. Something that I was surprised at as I rested yesterday. I headed for the canal and once there skirted round the family of swans that ...

Update Time!

Well what a busy few days!! Friday : Munchtime potter as reported below! Saturday : Off to the Cavern! To reduce maternal strive once hubby was awake I did the domestic godess bit then a quick shower and off to see the lovely v-rap + kids and Leon + kids! It was never going to be a quiet weekend with 6 kids was it!! I got to Brum mid afternoon and after a nice cuppa tea and a slice of banana cake there was a group decission of a visit to the pool! V-rap now has the additional help of Zina, who is a lovely young Hungarian aux pair, and despite the weekend being her time off she joins the rest of us in a family trip to the pool! Not being prepared for a swim I borrowed a cossie! The pool complex had several pools which meant that the kids could play and the adults took turns to do lengths. Not sure how many I did, probably about 40+, and without my prescription goggles and nose clip it felt odd, but I think I did well! I even managed to master the nose breathing thing by then end which I...

Today's Challenge!

The challenge today is to remove the remaining 8 teacakes from my desk and deliver them to the Cavern tomorrow! ALL 8! I also intend to do a munchtime potter ... I have a new kit bag which is a lot bigger so can also carry a large towel meaning no more "oh it's raining" excuses for cancelling runs! It's a short run of 5 sets of 3:3. Nothing more or less (apart from warm up/cool down walk!) as I am (coughs loudly) racing Sunday!! I will report back later! Edit .... First - teacakes hidden in carrier bag out of sight and ready to go home! Also I am pleased to report that I have run!! I did the full 5 sets and realised when I got back that it should have been 4 sets! Which explains why the last one was so hard! Still as Spans says it shows I could do it and extra sets are never wasted!! First few sets were good, sub 10mm pace and the 3mins walk was enough to recover. The 4th one was harder and just over 10mm pace the last was about 11:20 pace! Hope to do a short run wit...