After Wednesday's (cough) run I decided to rest especially when it seemed I had a cold.
Fortunatley this one seems to have died as quickly as it arose, despite having 3 nose bleeds in 4 days!
Feeling a lot better today.
So what have I been up to..... well I rested Thursday and Friday, did junior club (indoors) on Saturday and 1hr in the pool with son on Sunday.
Junior club included 15 mins of dodge ball with the adults throwing the balls ... this was effectively 15mins of squats and boy did my butt know about it on Sunday!!
Today I did go to work despite thinking otherwise (I felt guilty at the thought of staying at home when the team is so short of staff) so took my trainers in and did a 34min power walk. Felt good actually and I had a smug grin on my face as I came up behind folks and over took them as they wandered alone! I even did a couple of short stretches with the "race walk wiggle!". Problem is I now feel inclined to do this 3 times a week (non clu...
Athlete in Training! Follow the Dream ... I was told last year that being a runner makes you an athlete and I didn't really believe it. I was also told by someone else that being a good runner is as much in the mind as it is about running. Now that I do believe and it's starting to show! Now I AM an athlete in training!