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the story continues

I am such a good Pixie! Yes I am! No really I am! I've been very good and used my gym membership properly! Last week I did two lunchtime sessions then a longer session on Saturday.

Saturday I also did a stupid thing! I walked to the bottle back with 2 bags full of bottles and it's about 1m away, and Gnome was with me so it was a slow walk. Lord my arms ached when we got there! Still it's good resistance work! Then at the gym I did some more tready work increasing my running. I didn't have my HRM on (which I will dig out for a laugh!) but the tready HR hand rail readers couldn't read it! I got 192 at one point (after I reduced back to a walk for a minute or two) but whilst running it was too high for it to read!! I also did some core work and abs work and I have been trying to do this on each session to cool down almost.
Sunday I was again painting. It's amazing how much work it takes to paint some walls! I need to do the wood work next, then re-do the main coat so this means more work for a few more weekends to come!

Today I went to the gym. I've decided to do some benchmark tests and this is what I got: "Invisible chair" (lower body endurance) - 60secs !!!!!
Sit and reach - 13cm
Cooper test (tready) - 1.1m

I was really pleased with my tready run as that works out at 10.55 pace and I didn't walk! Yet Saturday I struggled to do 5:2 X 2 Plus an extra 2mins.
Thursday I have my PT session and I have already decided I will treat myself to the odd PT session with weight lose.

My goals for the next 3mths are to lose 7-10lb and get my mile pace to below 10 for the 12mins test. Also I would like to be able to run the full 5K without walking by then too. My R4L isn't for a while (8th July is 18wks away so if I can keep up the good work (and get a good position on the day!) I should easily beat my PB and look at under 11mm pace for the race.
Oh and tonight I have a visiting Duck!


fraggle said…
keep up the good work hun :o)
b-z said…
looking good

waves to Duck

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