<- Leon sent me a hug! Just what I needed! Today I have had many "if"s going through my head and "thank god"s and "it could have been so much worse..." The forumites went to the pub post race and I declined wanting to get home. Now if I had gone I wouldn't have been on the stretch on the M1 when that car was there. If I hadn't got my entry in on time .... the list goes on. I keep on finding new aches and you start to wonder if they are real. I woke up this morning and it was a case of "right, aches below waist are running above waist are car ... now what hurts?!" My calves are tight and my left heel does seem to be bruised but I don't think the PB caused any further damage! The car is still outside the house - everytime I open the front door it's there. All lopsided and looking sorry for itself. I keep looking over it and thinking "I am so lucky" The pictures of the car below don't really show what happened.
Ok so I'm the blue car ... green car moves out, I swerve and follow the red line. The crash barrier was on a verge. The car has mud all on the wheels where it smashed into the crash barrier and pushed that literally 4-5ft. The crash barrier is what caused the damage as I hit no other vehicle and then I stopped back end in the hard shoulder front end in the carriageway.
The final turn where I came to a stop was on 2 wheels, and you can see the rim of the wheels are bent right up and the tyres are flat.
The AA would only take the car off the M1 it was Green Flag (through e-sure) who took me home.