I had a great heading for today! Watched a children's art program with Gnome yesterday and they were making wet pictures and added a word to enhance the wet look! It was a great word and sounded nice and wet and defined what the picture was like!
Out of interested I did a define in Google and found out that this innocent word is infact relating to being wet but not in the rain! Think more of the err smutty side of damp and wet!! I won't say anymore!!
Anyway the heading was to imply that it was wet and damp out side and I was going puddle jumping at lunch! It also linked into the 90mins Gnome swim yesterday which involbed us both trying to dive in!
Lunchtime Edit.....
Unstructured Structured Speedwork!
Totally unstructured speedwork session and also totally unexpected!
1st mile was slow but too fast for a 1st mile after not much running meaning my calves ached and hurt!
then I just start running
allowed the GPS time to work out pace
looked at pace
stay within that bracket until next walking post (e.g. if it said 10:50 I had to stay I the 10s!)
when legs start saying walk, I ran past next stop until the one after that again staying within bracket!
That way I did 2 or 3 in the 9's!!
and one finished at 8:40!
walks were 30-60secs I guess
heart and lungs fine it was legs saying walk
really pleased
again overall time not fast as I was walking but fastest average pace since Reading!
Out of interested I did a define in Google and found out that this innocent word is infact relating to being wet but not in the rain! Think more of the err smutty side of damp and wet!! I won't say anymore!!
Anyway the heading was to imply that it was wet and damp out side and I was going puddle jumping at lunch! It also linked into the 90mins Gnome swim yesterday which involbed us both trying to dive in!
Lunchtime Edit.....
Unstructured Structured Speedwork!
Totally unstructured speedwork session and also totally unexpected!
1st mile was slow but too fast for a 1st mile after not much running meaning my calves ached and hurt!
then I just start running
allowed the GPS time to work out pace
looked at pace
stay within that bracket until next walking post (e.g. if it said 10:50 I had to stay I the 10s!)
when legs start saying walk, I ran past next stop until the one after that again staying within bracket!
That way I did 2 or 3 in the 9's!!
and one finished at 8:40!
walks were 30-60secs I guess
heart and lungs fine it was legs saying walk
really pleased
again overall time not fast as I was walking but fastest average pace since Reading!
I enjoyed it!
do a define in google
sounds so innocent!