My walk with Duck proved I can't read a map and it's the same with life!
I'm fine ... just lost.
I'm fed up (which you might have noticed!) and there are a few reasons for this.
- Fed up with work - being treated like a PA for a start
- Fed up with being overweight and unhappy with myself
- Fed up with the lack of security or direction in work
- Fed up with some staff at work
- I've lost my running mojo and I
- need a challenge and new direction
And that's where I am. The work links to the weight because I am an emotional eater. I've lost my confidence in me and my ability to do jobs because there is no challenge or direction at work.
I've already spoken about the exercise - so I'm just doing stuff when the feeling takes me whilst looking for a challenge. In an odd way the TW does not meet the challenge criteria! I know I will do that, its a fact.
So I'm lost and trying to find a map I can read!
I can swim.... [lots and lots of lengths]
I can do an umpteen mile walk [95% of the population can't or won't]
I am a fab mother
I am a good friend
I am good at my job
and so on ......