Trains and storm troopers!!!
Today Gnome and I went to Snibston Discovery Park which is on the site of a former coal mine. It's full of science related hands-on experiments, things to see/read/do and play on! Great fun! There was a train to ride on and a play area with water science "fun" as well as a huge indoor activity area! We also went on a coalliery tour by one of the old workers. The chap was brilliant! Full of passion about the mines whilst telling a very informative tale.
I can report that Gnome lifted a mini and a 1/4 tonne weight! (so full weights workout for him!) we started a fire, electric lights, "made" a human body, saw old wheels and computer parts and everything! I highly recommend it for any parents in the Midlands - it's for all the family as it's not just the kids who learn whilst having fun.

The best shock of the day was when we arrived and standing at the entrance was a couple of storm troopers! They also had a "heroes and villains" day on!! So we saw, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker etc from all the various Star Wars films! (Gnome's current favourite viewing!), then Batman, The Joker, Spiderman and even Sponge Bob Squarepants!!
We were there for almost 6hrs and apart from eating lunch we were on our feet all day. So I took today as a cross training day!! Exhausted am I (as Yoda would say).
Tomorrow afternoon I have the "reversibility" test at the Drs so will incorporate my run to/from the surgery again. I will also take my kit to work this week. I know I can do 5K so not worried about that and it's not worth tapering for 5K but I would like to do it as comfortably as possible!!
Today Gnome and I went to Snibston Discovery Park which is on the site of a former coal mine. It's full of science related hands-on experiments, things to see/read/do and play on! Great fun! There was a train to ride on and a play area with water science "fun" as well as a huge indoor activity area! We also went on a coalliery tour by one of the old workers. The chap was brilliant! Full of passion about the mines whilst telling a very informative tale.
I can report that Gnome lifted a mini and a 1/4 tonne weight! (so full weights workout for him!) we started a fire, electric lights, "made" a human body, saw old wheels and computer parts and everything! I highly recommend it for any parents in the Midlands - it's for all the family as it's not just the kids who learn whilst having fun.
The best shock of the day was when we arrived and standing at the entrance was a couple of storm troopers! They also had a "heroes and villains" day on!! So we saw, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker etc from all the various Star Wars films! (Gnome's current favourite viewing!), then Batman, The Joker, Spiderman and even Sponge Bob Squarepants!!
We were there for almost 6hrs and apart from eating lunch we were on our feet all day. So I took today as a cross training day!! Exhausted am I (as Yoda would say).
Tomorrow afternoon I have the "reversibility" test at the Drs so will incorporate my run to/from the surgery again. I will also take my kit to work this week. I know I can do 5K so not worried about that and it's not worth tapering for 5K but I would like to do it as comfortably as possible!!
and fairly cheap too in comparison to most places!