I hate waiting :-(
just recieved this by mail from a fellow blogger. I want to share it so everyone can benefit as I have. I've wiped my tears away and I've printed this up so when I am getting sulky and down I will read this and remember .... Aim High! (how appropriate is that name!) Don't EVER think that you any any less of a runner than anyone else Kim, You show a dedication and determination that puts many people to shame. You have a goal for your marathon time which is truly amazing - and I am inspired by it..We all have our dream peaks (sorry about the mountain reference again - I'm a mountaineer too!) - and they are a reflection of who we are and what we are able to acheive - for ourselves - and anyone who can't see the value of that endeavour is blind indeed.When you run your next pb - to me that is as phenomenal an achievement as any world record..and I will bounce up and down like a mad thing at the thought of it - and I get pretty animated when I'm excited about somethi...
They've done all the interviewing now hun
so could be today!