Today I decided to take a different route on my trot by going down the Grand Union Canal the other way to normal. I've never been this way so had no idea what the path was like or indeed if it went far!
After yesterday's long run I wasn't going to push and I also had it in my head to go steady as on a few runs I have started too fast and suffered with very tight calves.
So off I trot and I found that after 3/4m of tarmac it turns to a nice path to run on. Very scenic and rather a plesant run. I got to laugh at daddy swan giving the cygnets lessons in taking off (which is probably why I got the flapping wings and hissing on the way back).
It was, overall, a very pleasant run until I turned back and within 1/2m hitted a gale force wind (well it was strong anyway!) The legs were a tad tired from yesterday but not bad at all. No need to stop today either which was good.
Total 3.751m in 50mins with an average HR of 174! So slow but not that bad ... fairly pleased.
40mins solid run tommorrow!
After yesterday's long run I wasn't going to push and I also had it in my head to go steady as on a few runs I have started too fast and suffered with very tight calves.
So off I trot and I found that after 3/4m of tarmac it turns to a nice path to run on. Very scenic and rather a plesant run. I got to laugh at daddy swan giving the cygnets lessons in taking off (which is probably why I got the flapping wings and hissing on the way back).
It was, overall, a very pleasant run until I turned back and within 1/2m hitted a gale force wind (well it was strong anyway!) The legs were a tad tired from yesterday but not bad at all. No need to stop today either which was good.
Total 3.751m in 50mins with an average HR of 174! So slow but not that bad ... fairly pleased.
40mins solid run tommorrow!
Errrr.... better go and read what you've written now