I can/have/have done ....
- swam over 2.5km in one go (more than once!)
- cycled over 50m in one go
- walked over 40m in one go
- completed 4 marathons
- completed 4 half marathons (2 new PBs this year)
- a wonderful, happy contented and well mannered son
- a loving,caring husband
- great friends all over the country
- a self funded, degree done part time whilst maintaining a full time job
- raised money for needy causes
- good customer service skills
- loyal friend
- survived a car crash!
This Year I will:
- Lose some more weight
- become a better runner
- improve my swimming (goal of 5k swimathon 2007)
- FINISH the trailwalker
- change jobs
- learn another skill
- enter FLM2007
- do an off road event for a laugh
- do a "splash and dash" for fun
- do a triathlon for a laugh! (maybe!)
- swim 1m at least once a week
- tell my son and husband I love them every day
- learn to paint and draw
- teach Gnome to swim properly
- do more family stuff
Think that will do for now!
looks good when you write it down (well done that Womble!)
you're sounding more positive already :oD