I am so confused! I was expecting to not get in and that my cheque would be cashed next week. The RW list shows loads of cheques on the 31st then 2 on the 1st and now more people are saying it's cashed!Are the 2 the lucky ones from the 1000 ballot? Or just slow from the main ballot!
Told husband last night that it looked like I wasn't in and as I couldn't sleep I planned my life (as you do thereby stopping you from sleeping even more!) and now I just don't know!! I know I have to wait until the magazine comes out really but that's not for another 3-4 weeks!!
Last night I was planning a good 6mths of proper training, it was all about weight lose and fitness. I was going to DNS Brass Monkey as I was/am unlikely to get the time I want. I wasn't going to enter Reading or indeed any races until Mid year. Just train hard (swim and run and pool run) and get into top shape. I wasn't in FLM so there was no reason to worry! In fact I was so sure I wasn't in that I decided that if I did get in I would defer! I was going to become the lean mean running machine I wanted to be and follow v-raps steps into being a faster runner!
Now I am confused! There is a chance that this is the 2nd ballot but then it could just be the jumper for me! You see having missed out on the RW buzz I'm out of touch on the last conspiracy theories and dates so I'm just going to have to wait and that is so not fair!
This all boils down to one thing! I need to get moving! I need new shoes! If I start moving now I gain an extra month of fitness. If I am in then great I have a good start, if I am not in then I have lost nothing!
I'm in London next week and Spans and I will hopefully pop into the Sweatshop in Covent Garden so I can do a run test on those shoes I want before I order them from online!
In the mean time I wait ... 3 weeks isn't that long really! Is it?! Nah! Didn't think so! If I am in then I want sub 5hrs so if I get in I will see what training happens and I won't rule out deferring I mean I'm not even running at this moment in time and haven't done so for a month!
Hmmmm Arrrggghhh!!!
Told husband last night that it looked like I wasn't in and as I couldn't sleep I planned my life (as you do thereby stopping you from sleeping even more!) and now I just don't know!! I know I have to wait until the magazine comes out really but that's not for another 3-4 weeks!!
Last night I was planning a good 6mths of proper training, it was all about weight lose and fitness. I was going to DNS Brass Monkey as I was/am unlikely to get the time I want. I wasn't going to enter Reading or indeed any races until Mid year. Just train hard (swim and run and pool run) and get into top shape. I wasn't in FLM so there was no reason to worry! In fact I was so sure I wasn't in that I decided that if I did get in I would defer! I was going to become the lean mean running machine I wanted to be and follow v-raps steps into being a faster runner!
Now I am confused! There is a chance that this is the 2nd ballot but then it could just be the jumper for me! You see having missed out on the RW buzz I'm out of touch on the last conspiracy theories and dates so I'm just going to have to wait and that is so not fair!
This all boils down to one thing! I need to get moving! I need new shoes! If I start moving now I gain an extra month of fitness. If I am in then great I have a good start, if I am not in then I have lost nothing!
I'm in London next week and Spans and I will hopefully pop into the Sweatshop in Covent Garden so I can do a run test on those shoes I want before I order them from online!
In the mean time I wait ... 3 weeks isn't that long really! Is it?! Nah! Didn't think so! If I am in then I want sub 5hrs so if I get in I will see what training happens and I won't rule out deferring I mean I'm not even running at this moment in time and haven't done so for a month!
Hmmmm Arrrggghhh!!!
Off you go!
(Im confuzzled though-why did you enter FLM iif it will cuase so much anguish and disruption to your weight loss and training plans??)
As you say-you can always defer
So choose which one is most important to you.....
and FLM - will probably be there next year
and the next
and then next
||: Repeat ad infin....... A LOT :||