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Showing posts from December, 2004

It's all in the mind!

On my last attempt to run, Wednesday, I felt awful as I had to walk so much amoung other things so today I went for a walk! Now this walk included some running, and the running was a lot better than Wednesday. My sinuses hurt with every foot fall but the legs and breathing were a lot better. Strangely though because this was a walk I didn't mind walking with running intervals (rather than Wednesday's run with walking intervals!). It's strange how the mind works isn't it - because this was a walk it felt good. Was very pleased with myself. Also had my hair cut so had 2 short walk/runs then came home and had a bath. So lunch was soup and bread at 2.15 by which time I had started to feel wobbley (even my hand was shaking) but I wasn't actually hungry. I guess my blood sugar levels had dropped hence the shakes but the body still had the christmas excess so not hungry. Very strange. Tomorrow hubby is at work from 6AM (so no New Year pish up for us!) so I intend to ...

Grrrr - getting frustrated now!

This cold is really annoying me now. Last night I had a really bad dry cough (no the wine was not the cause!) as well as the runny nose. Today my abs feel like I spent all day in the gym working on them, my nose is red and sore and the tissues are rapidly going down! Somehow I don't think my planned 13m run will happen tomorrow! I may just go for a long walk instead - dunno see how I feel and how cold it is. Oh and welcome to blog land to the newest blogger on my list - Fruity Reindeer! Yes another Runners World nutter and FLM05 entry! My FLM run up includes: Helsby Half - 23rd Jan Bramley 20m - 20th Feb Reading Half - 6th Mar ETA for Helsby was 2:20 but given the cold I think I will put that back to 2:40 which is still a big PB as mine is 2hrs 59:24 from Reading in 2003 and compared to where I am now Reading is flat! So ETA for Reading is now 2:15-2:20. Bramley is different! I've never run 20m, even when training for Abingdon I didn't do a 20M run and of...

Misserable Pixie

Yes that's right I'm feed up! Not so much because Christmas has been poo 'cos it hasn't but I've had a cold since last Monday and this means I haven't run since week ago Saturday. Still got a head full of snot but not coughing so much so will try a trot this afternoon. For christmas I did get 2 sports nutrician books by Anita Bean which I've been reading to help with the recovery process and carbo loading too. Also got the normal pressies of clothes and chocolates! Oh and about 4lb extra! Hope everyone else had a good time - I'll report in after my trot as it is a short 3.5wks to helsby and 16.5 wks to FLM!!

Hmmm now what ...

had today off work too, slept again this morning and coughed. now I feel good, still got the old cough but fine. Except it is now 11.30PM and I ain't tired! I've hovered the house, done washing and ironing and tided a bit too. Just not tired! Possibly something to do with the hours and hours of sleep I've had these last 48 hours! So now what! Well I've played Galacta on the PC (Old DOS based game but fun!) and I've looked at my new Access Training database. I've updated the calender on the wall for 2005 to include race dates and club nights up to FLM and all the 2005 school dates. I've even started the course work from the Fit2Run course I'm doing and that only arrived today! So what next! It's too late to call anyone, can't start a book as I know I have 2 Sports Nutrician books for Christmas and want to read those straight away. Nothing on TV, no films to watch ... arrrggghhh it's driving me mad! For the last 5 years I've ha...

Life in the old bird???

Well today I have ... slept, eaten, drank, slept eaten finished my tapisty cushion, drank wine and done some wrapping. Had a bath at 3 and got out of my PJ's and started to feel better. Washed my hair at 7 feeling much better (and that was before the wine!) I WON'T go to work tomorrow as I feel tired still and run down and well I don't want to, I want to get over this lurgy properly so I can see the family feeling healthy, enjoy Christmas and start FLM training in earnest feeling refreshed! I didn't go to club tonight and felt bad about that seeing as they were having a Christmas drink after but that's life sometimes. I would still like to do a long run this week but sensible head says make it a middle length depending on health. I think I will be OK but we will see. Whilst wrapping I realised I was 2 small presents short. I have all our pressies but Oliver wanted to give people a present which meant a quick re-shuffle and now I am short. Tomorrow I will...

Cranky Poorly Pixie

Yes I've finally got that lurgy that has been lurking. Yesterday at work was hard - felt rough and the chaps in the team sat next to us were trying to get me to see sense and go home from about 2.30-3PM. I left at 5.30. As those who know me will be aware my team was relocated this year. Whilst down in sunny Berkshire we were a team of 7, now we are 3 + manager. 1 chap was on holiday yesterday and today so despite feeling rough this morning I went in. Felt guilty at not coming in and leaving 1 + manager to deal with our 4 clients alone. So you can imagine how I felt when the other chap calls me at 9.15 to say he "has a fever" (he was fine yesterday) and isn't coming in but may be in that afternoon. I was so pleased that I had made the effort to struggle in when other CBA. He didn't turn up as I expected. I did leave early (2.30) as my head had gone, nearly crashed driving home as I couldn't concerntrate, my reactions where slow and I was tired from th...

Cold, colds and too much food!

Oliver has had a cough/cold for about a week - last night I had a sore throat and this morning I'm cottonwool head and coughing! Just in time for Christmas! This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the ice cold (but not Sweden cold!) temperatures outside which make me cough more! Then seeing as it is Christmas there is the food - and with a cough I can't "run it off"! Hubby got his Christmas pressie from work: M&S Belgium biscuits (large tin of) MacVittes large tin Carr cheese bics Carr belguim bics Tub Chedders or one of the 2 packets of M&S belgium choc shotrbread I don't stand a chance!

As rest!

Legs noticably tired now .. will do 30-45 mins recovery run tomorrow morning as I have a nice long drive (probably with a couple of stops!) Feeling a tad smug - what time would the 10m have been on a flat course and under race conditions?? My "4mths to a 4hr marathon" book that has a 4.45 schedule says long runs as 12.25-12.55 pace so within that nicely! Although I am aiming for about 12mm if I can as that will make a sub5 mara (11.23mm pace) easier. But to be honest I was aiming today to finish the distance and had allowed up to 2 1/2hrs so had 13mins spare too!!! Will do about the same distance next friday whilst hubby is asleep and before we go "back home for Christmas!" Will spend the rest of tonight with feet up (doing my tapistry that I WILL finish for grandma's christmas pressie - not long now, help!) and then a nice long bath and sleep!

PB Pixie!

yes that's right! Just back from 11 hilly miles! Beat my 10 mile PB (GSR pancake flat course) by 10 minutes! OK so it still took me 2hrs 17.05 for the whole run but hey longest run for 11 months! What did I learn .... Dextrose tablets are very good - but take them from mile 1 then every 1-1.5m and not after the 1st 3m! SIS is OK but I had to walk to take it! Xstals kept me going in the last mile when I was wandering if I walked!! Had a nice hot shower after my not so nice SIS rego drink and now I need to get dressed cos I'm cold (!!) and I think egg, beans and toast for lunch!! Very pleased pixie!

Today's Plan ...

Ok so today I have the day off ... Oliver's last day of school and the plan was I would take him down to mum's this afternoon but he has a party tomorrow so the drive is planned for tomorrow now! This means that today I can do my long run (and therefore not waste time at mum's!). 1St it's the school run then tesco quickly. Today I am trying the following: currently drinking 1pt lucozade and I will run with water. Back up fuel of a couple of SIS gels and something new! Xstals are small tablets containing lots of caffeine and stuff that were created for snowboarders to give them energy up in the mountains. I had a couple yesterday afternoon to see if they caused any problems - they didn't apart from lack of sleep last night! Anyway today I will trot up to Ashby (about 3.5m) round the top of the town (including a couple of extra hilly loops for extra knackeredness!) then back home via Packington and then into the villiage past Champney Springs Health Hydro S...

And on the 7th day ....

Ok so this is not quiet so earth shatteringly dramatic as the creation of the universe! Anyway I've decided, I've made up my mind, it will be! What you say? Oh sorry! As I have said before I want to lose weight, I'm a diet junky, have no will power and I am currently commiting food suicide! So this is my plan. 'Tis the season to be Jolly! That means from now until after Christmas I shall relax and enjoy without being a huge pig! No need to worry about left overs as we are away for Christmas so once I am home I have no excuses! After that I will: * Leave purse at home! * Pre-pare lunch after tea ready for the next day! * Drink more! * Write down what I eat! * Clean my teeth more frequently e.g. after eating anything! Hope that helps! You may also notice that this " running " blog may also become more foody (just like Derah!) but seeing as it is all about being healthy and fueling a healthy body to run and train and get to FLM that shou...

Just a Quick one.....

to say that I am worried about my food intake and that I am also thinking more about food as fuel and a recovery tool. I'm looking at different sports drinks and gels and even started to use a recovery drink. Someone once said to me that the hardest part of the London Marathon was getting to the start line. Having failed to get there last year I'm being much more cautious this year! If a recovery milk drink helps then I will drink it even if milk is vile stuff! Mum has bought me 2 sports nutritian books for Christmas which I will be reading as soon as I get them. I doubt if they will be as good as Paula's book (finished that last night!) but whereas Paula's book was inspirational to get my butt out of the door and work harder, I hope that these will stop the self distruct mode and also aid in the training process. I will, of course, note anything of interest here including any recipes. I do have the Olympic cookbook - must try some of those recipes too! Anyw...

Feeling Sad and Lonely

Hubby is working nights this week and next. Tonight I wrote the Christmas cards for my side of the family: 1 college friend 1 school friend the ex child minder my parents my grandma that's all it took - how pathetic is that? Posted Hubby's cards this morning - 9 off them all family. I have just 2 family cards left to write. Seems very wrong at this time of year when family and friends re-unite and get together to have so little to write. I have many more "virtual" friends from the Runners World website ... see them at races (for a hug) and they are like long lost friends, but it's an online friendship that is somehow different. I wouldn't be without my forum friends - I love them all, they are all so suportive and understanding and there is always someone there to help or listen when you need it, no I'd never be without them. Just seems very sad a lonely tonight - empty bed, son asleep and no-one to write cards too, no-one to say "whop...

What am I doing?

Lets review: Running is going well, work is very busy but I'm learning stuff, diet was going fab yet since last week and the mega stress I just can't control my eating. I'm just eating without thought even when I know I am full I eat. Now I feel fat, full, frumpy and a tad sick. Why am I doing this? There is no reason! Last week I at least had a reason - I was stressed beyond belief (not that that is an excuse) yet this week is calmer (still busy though) and I am eating, I'm even buying food to eat whilst saying to myself ... WHY??? grrrrr

Pondering Mode!

Well the last few days have brought me good running results (won't mention self-distruct "Hey it's Christmas" mode) with a new 3M PB and 10K PB (in fact I was also in line for a stonking 10M PB on sunday too but miss judged my route and ended up doing just 8.5m!) So as a result I've been planning - I've even entered a 20m race, my first ever!! So here is the end of the year: Mon 13-Dec Rest Tue 14-Dec Rest Wed 15-Dec Club approx 5m Thu 16-Dec Rest Fri 17-Dec Long 10m Sat 18-Dec Rest Sun 19-Dec Rest Mon 20-Dec Easy 6m Tue 21-Dec Rest Wed 22-Dec Club approx 5m Thu 23-Dec Rest Fri 24-Dec Long 12m Sat 25-Dec Rest Sun 26-Dec Easy 5.5m - round the block at mum's! Mon 27-Dec Rest Tue 28-Dec Rest Wed 29-Dec Club approx 5m Thu 30-Dec Rest Fri 31-Dec Long 12-14m Looks a lot of rest but I've found that running 3 days actually works better than running more frequently. Means I can put in quality tempo sessions at club (which ar...

Tomorrow ...

{having just downed 2 bottles of white with the old man} I WILL do 10 miles!! Friday's club night was good - 30 secs faster than the wednesday of last week ... today has been domaestic godess! Tomorrow I get up, have breaky and drink lucoxade (however you spell it) and the plod whilst hubby watching boring old racing. In case you haven;t spoteed - too much wine! :-)


The last two days have been hell ... maga stress at work. The problem is for me stress = eat = feeling fat = upset = stress etc etc I spent all of yesterday doing that same thing - something that should have taken 5 mins, something that another colleague had done in a template format to make a 5 min job, and it was ALL wrong. I could have easily cried at times yesterday I felt that hopeless and crap. So God knows what my weight will be doing by the end of this week (which is also TOTM which also means food!) Supposed to be going for the works curry/christmas do tomorrow night - think I will skip it (Well Oliver is unwell and needs his mummy!) and go to club instead! Talking of club last nights run was a de-stress run! I actually lead for most of the 1st mile - then it was decided that I'm too errr "quick" when crossing roads!!!! hehe Anyway Brian took over and decided that seeing as Cheryl and I (we started within 1 week of each other) had improved that we ...

Addicted? Me? HELP!!!

Ok so I've already admitted to being a diet junky but I have another confession! I seem to love buying magazines (and wasting a lot of money too!) yet never seem to read them all! I have a large pile forming! Then I save them to look back on X or Y article only to never open them again! I suppose running is like an addition to - Benz is addicted to marathons though which may or may not be such a good thing! Running is addictive though - you get a high from running even if it's been a rubbish run you almost always feel better having been out! There always seems to be the "must I?" moment before you drag your butt out of the door ... the obligitory 20 mins of hell at the start of the run ... the awful runs when nothing goes right and then there are "those runs" when everything is heavenly! OK so these are few and far between but they do happen and when they do you realise why you love running! Anyway my latest magazine purchase is "Health ...

Miffed ....

annoyed, peeved, displeased, narked, cheesed off ... take your pick! Whichever word you chose discribes how I feel about yesterday's run! I'm really annoyed that I failed to achieve what I set out to do! Even though I know full well that I wasn't up to 10m on the day I really wanted to do it so I could see how I was doing, benchmark my training as such! I felt I could do 10m in about 2hrs ... even though my PB is 2hrs 14 on a dead flat GSR course. Even though I wasn't going to race the 10m I felt I could still beat my PB, I was totally confident! In fact if I had carried on at the same pace as I was doing I would have probably beaten my PB anyway. I would love to go home today or not have to work tomorrow and go and run 10m to find the answer! It's been annoying me since I finished my run (especially as the last full mile and the stray 1/2m was the fastest part of my run!) - problem is I know I can so the pain will continue. Is running really good for yo...

The Good the Bad and the Ugly ...

well I've had a busy few days! Christmas shopping is now complete for a start! I now have a contact lens trial (and at £30 a pair (for 30 days use) they can stay a trial!) and Oliver has a bad cough just in time to pass it to me for Christmas! Yesterday's planned 10m run - hmmm now what to say about that! Sunday morning I was woken up early by a panicing 7yr old coughing and claiming he couldn't breath. His panic made him worse and it took several minutes to get him to relax again. Once mum was up I went off, deciding to alter my route to a 2 lap plod so that I could get home quicker if needed. First 1/2m was fine then my legs started to feel heavy. I decided this was the normal 20 min barrier problem (you now the 1st 20 mins are always crap, get passed that and life is fine!) but after 1.5m I had to walk. I was running at 12-12.30 mm but felt really really slow and laboured. My legs just seemed incapable of going faster, but the few occasions when I did get them ...

And so to bed ...

Club run tonight - first run since sunday and first club run for over 2 weeks. Very few people were there tonight so my normal group of 5-6 people was 2! This meant I had to run faster to keep up, but I was amazed to find that until the last 10 minutes I wasn't struggling that hard. The hills were so much easier today and I kept up and we didn't stop at all! 4.7m in about 50 mins (I forgot to start my watch!!) so I am really pleased! Supposed to be doing an XC race on sunday but thought I may do 10m on the road because A I need the miles and B I'm scared of getting injured! Now I'm even more keen to do the 10m on the road to see what time I do .. my 10m PB was set at the Great South Run last year and is 2hrs 14, at todays pace I should smash that. Mind you that will probably fate me to crash it! Tomorrow I'm off work (and Friday and boy am I glade!) and I am going Christmas shopping. I'm off to Nottingham as I've heard it is the best place to go but I...