Within a few hours of writing yesterday's figures I was almost doubled over in pain. Benz has diagnosed bowel spasms. I left work at 4:15 drove home (slowly) and went straight to bed where I litteraly hugged my knees as that was the most comfortable. I was in agony.
To confirm how bad I felt I didn't eat for 24hrs and I didn't feel hungry.
I have eaten now but not much.
I didn't go to work today due to a rough night and tender belly. Husband thinks I should go to work tomorrow but belly is still "not right" and my legs are a tad wobbley due to the lack of energy being consummed.
Needless to say the run was cancelled today.
To confirm how bad I felt I didn't eat for 24hrs and I didn't feel hungry.
I have eaten now but not much.
I didn't go to work today due to a rough night and tender belly. Husband thinks I should go to work tomorrow but belly is still "not right" and my legs are a tad wobbley due to the lack of energy being consummed.
Needless to say the run was cancelled today.
Hope the tum feels better soon!