First of all Friday!
I really enjoyed Friday's long run and was delighted with the overall distance and pace! It felt good and even though it was still walk run it felt like I was actually running!
Here are the stats:

As you can see I managed a good pace and consistently which is very rare for me so delighted!
Anyway what happened next ...
After my run Friday I had a shower, soup and 1 glass of wine then bed. We got up at 5:30AM the next morning and set off to Berkshire! The rest of the weekend until this morning was spent at the in-laws and apart from a 2m brisk walk with mum yesterday it was all spent slouching on the sofa! I even feel asleep for 2hrs Saturday and that was without any lunchtime drinking!! hehe!!
So we get home at lunchtime today, ate lunch and then the wonderful Tesco run. At this point I thought Why not make today's run this week's long run so I can do some gardening etc at the weekend!
So off I went! Today's long run was 30min 3:1, 30 mins solid running and then 30mins 3:1.
For some reason I decided to change my route through Donisthrope Park and as a result I went mountain climbing (well not really but it was a LOT hillier than normal!) Add a horrid stitch that was even worse going downhill but a detirmination NOT TO WALK during that 30mins solid in the middle and the figures aren't so good as Friday but I am still pleased!

So that's 14m in 4days! And do you know what?? Well I did the Bramley 10m in Feb then FLM in April so these last two runs have been my longest for ages and the pace (which includes walking remember!) is literally only about 20secs off my Bramley 10m PB!
So THANK YOU SPANS!! ... I may hate you later this week when doing my killer speedwork session but just now I love you! Mwah!
I really enjoyed Friday's long run and was delighted with the overall distance and pace! It felt good and even though it was still walk run it felt like I was actually running!
Here are the stats:
As you can see I managed a good pace and consistently which is very rare for me so delighted!
Anyway what happened next ...
After my run Friday I had a shower, soup and 1 glass of wine then bed. We got up at 5:30AM the next morning and set off to Berkshire! The rest of the weekend until this morning was spent at the in-laws and apart from a 2m brisk walk with mum yesterday it was all spent slouching on the sofa! I even feel asleep for 2hrs Saturday and that was without any lunchtime drinking!! hehe!!
So we get home at lunchtime today, ate lunch and then the wonderful Tesco run. At this point I thought Why not make today's run this week's long run so I can do some gardening etc at the weekend!
So off I went! Today's long run was 30min 3:1, 30 mins solid running and then 30mins 3:1.
For some reason I decided to change my route through Donisthrope Park and as a result I went mountain climbing (well not really but it was a LOT hillier than normal!) Add a horrid stitch that was even worse going downhill but a detirmination NOT TO WALK during that 30mins solid in the middle and the figures aren't so good as Friday but I am still pleased!
So that's 14m in 4days! And do you know what?? Well I did the Bramley 10m in Feb then FLM in April so these last two runs have been my longest for ages and the pace (which includes walking remember!) is literally only about 20secs off my Bramley 10m PB!
So THANK YOU SPANS!! ... I may hate you later this week when doing my killer speedwork session but just now I love you! Mwah!
I just hope it lasts this time!
Keep being positive..
You said it yourself
"Attitude makes a run.. "
And the same applies to the longer term training thing
are you doing Brass Monkey this year?