And I'm not just meaning the small matter of a marathon in (gulp) 65 days.
OK I'll admit it I feel guilty about moaning about work when you think about the tough jobs that the likes of Benz and Aim High have but work sucks like a dyson just now. It's an endless consistant draining pull. I've been in busy working environments and until now I can honestly say that the stresses of work 90% of the time have past over my head. I've always had the "why stress" attitude. I mean it does you no good you get nowhere and don't achieve any more so WHY!?!
This time last year .. team of 7, 4 clients (average of 300 reps each) and using US staff level calculations we were 1.5 people short (we were 1/2 a person over according to the UK calculations - maybe that is why the UK make more money, we have fewer staff and pay them less!) anyway now ..... 3 staff 4 clients (2 of which have now got 100-200 more reps) and an extra client that we are "looking after but not touching" So 3 staff and 5 clients.
Being dedicated staff (we must be we've moved 125m for this job) we all do our best to be in work as much as possible and get the job done quickly and correctly. Problem is 3 staff is far to few for the job and the main expert no longer works in the team and the other experts are in Windsor. Add anyone being sick and they either infect the team by coming in (by feeling guilty at staying at home and leaving the others to struggle) or stay away and let the others struggle!
Well being winter there are bugs about aplenty. Being new to the area we aren't used to these bugs so we've all fallen for them and hard. Being the start of a new year the clients are making changes. Meaning LOADS of work and stress and hassle.
Add a dumb arse manager (not mine I must hasten to add!) who thinks that it is of the utmost importance to update calls every day even if there is no update and I CAN'T COPE.
It's time this pixie learned the art of handling stress 'cos just now stress = food = fat pixie = depressed pixie = food ... you know the cycle. If I could go for a run every lunch that would be fine, but having no child care means lunchtime runs are rare. Tomorrow, however, the boss is out again ... so I WILL de-stress on the wonderful (yeah right!) pavements of Loughborough!
Sorry for the rant.
OK I'll admit it I feel guilty about moaning about work when you think about the tough jobs that the likes of Benz and Aim High have but work sucks like a dyson just now. It's an endless consistant draining pull. I've been in busy working environments and until now I can honestly say that the stresses of work 90% of the time have past over my head. I've always had the "why stress" attitude. I mean it does you no good you get nowhere and don't achieve any more so WHY!?!
This time last year .. team of 7, 4 clients (average of 300 reps each) and using US staff level calculations we were 1.5 people short (we were 1/2 a person over according to the UK calculations - maybe that is why the UK make more money, we have fewer staff and pay them less!) anyway now ..... 3 staff 4 clients (2 of which have now got 100-200 more reps) and an extra client that we are "looking after but not touching" So 3 staff and 5 clients.
Being dedicated staff (we must be we've moved 125m for this job) we all do our best to be in work as much as possible and get the job done quickly and correctly. Problem is 3 staff is far to few for the job and the main expert no longer works in the team and the other experts are in Windsor. Add anyone being sick and they either infect the team by coming in (by feeling guilty at staying at home and leaving the others to struggle) or stay away and let the others struggle!
Well being winter there are bugs about aplenty. Being new to the area we aren't used to these bugs so we've all fallen for them and hard. Being the start of a new year the clients are making changes. Meaning LOADS of work and stress and hassle.
Add a dumb arse manager (not mine I must hasten to add!) who thinks that it is of the utmost importance to update calls every day even if there is no update and I CAN'T COPE.
It's time this pixie learned the art of handling stress 'cos just now stress = food = fat pixie = depressed pixie = food ... you know the cycle. If I could go for a run every lunch that would be fine, but having no child care means lunchtime runs are rare. Tomorrow, however, the boss is out again ... so I WILL de-stress on the wonderful (yeah right!) pavements of Loughborough!
Sorry for the rant.
My work problem is being self employed and not disciplined enough about gettng work done on time.
And I'm off to do a presentation in the morning to get someone else out of a hole and then trailplus, knowing I should be here working....
and its all my own fault ...
enjoy your plod tomorrow and the time at your Mum's
Have a good time at your Mum's