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A short gym visit!

Last night I went to the gym to do the 1st run of my Spans Plan. I was planning to run the night before but the belly ache stopped me doing it :-(

So the plan was 30 mins of 5R 3W ... so I popped on the tready and did a 5 min walking warm up then off on my runs. I started at 7.5km ph than realised that was too hard, almost 10K pace and NOT what was on the schedule so I dropped down to doing my runs at 7km ph. The 1st set made the legs moan - the muscles were tight and were not happy (brain started to approach panic mode) but after the walk they eased off. Think it was lack of use over the months and then tiredness from the weekend's run. All was going well and then BANG, the tready decided that the Quick Start option that I had chosen meant 30 mins MAX, right in the middle of a run :-( so I had to do the emergancy stop an start again!

As a result I have no idea how far I did! I also finished with a 5 min walking cool down so think it was 3.5-4km. Not far but I was walk/run so not bad, anyway this is about getting back to running not speed or distance! Honest!

I was very tempted to do another set or extend a set as I had the emergancy stop but the physio saying "Don't do more than planned" rang through my head along with the "follow the plan to the letter" "don't over do it" so I didn't!

I finished off with lots of stretches and some more sit-ups and leg exercises. My abs were still sore from Monday's session and I did wonder if this was behind the stomach pains I've experienced the last day or two. If I have them today I will know!!

So all in all a short but good session. I should be doing a second 30 min run this week, a long run and some interval like things but I really don't think I can do another 3 sessions this week having missed the run on Tuesday! So I will do Sunday's long run for sure and a run tomorrow but not sure which to do, must ask Spans. If I feel good I may run Saturday afternoon too but I am not 100% sure on that one! We'll see!

Still no tready news :-(


beanz said…
well done!!

I went on the tready in the week too - and at somewhere between 7.0 and 7.5 kph pace it kept my HR at 70% MHR (but no incline!)