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I hope....

to leave on time and have another short run tonight. Depending on how quick I can get home and change I may venture to extend the run a bit (and pray I get to school on time, he's always out late but if I am late he will be on time!)

will update later!!

Still not sure what to way to train. These 2 weeks are hard either way and although I can fit in the odd 10 min run they have to be quick as I have to get to school. Leave work at 2:30, pick up at 3:15 ... and 25 mins drive - 35 mins depending on traffic! So BT is a no on these weeks.

Hmmm ponder ponder ponder - some one help me!!! Spans???


The traffic was kind and I got home in time to change and trot. Today I did 1 whole mile! 11mins 34 then a casual walk home with Oliver. Again a slight "tight" feeling like a bandage about half way up calf so I iced when I got home to be safe.

I won't run tomorrow but will walk if I get home in time (no changing time so should be OK). Junior club to help out at on saturday and then my 3.7m loop on sunday, using the 3:3 walk:run I did at FLM.

I think I will go with walk:run as it feels better than stopping after a matter of just a few strides due to HR, and my HR still comes out with a lower av HR due to the walking being a good recovery to almost normal. Well I'll see what happens anyway!

Again I paid attention to cadence and like Leon said it does seem to make a difference, same HR but slightly faster (so Glenn was right!). So I will continue to do this I think - well if it works for Paula it can work for me! In addition I think what I could do is say 2-3wks of 3:3 then reduce to 3:2 then 4:2 etc to keep the walk breaks in for some time to protect the leg and keep the av HR down (injury prevention and all that!) and slowly work to full running. This will take longer than a normal walk run program to get to full running but I can still do the "longer" runs at the weekend as I have the endurance and residual fitness and running fitness to do this so therefore going forward not backwards.

Well that's my theory and I think it sounds good - now over to you to tell me it's rubbish!!


fraggle said…
Sounds good to me Pixel :o) I think it would be good to keep those walk breaks in for as long as you can - look after that leg!
beanz said…
sounds good to me too