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Spans is a Star!

Right the folks here is week one:

Steady Run 1 30mins ratio 5 run: 3 walk
Steady Run 2 30mins ratio 5 run: 3 walk
Interval 5min walk warm up
pyramid session of: -
1 hard: 1walk
2 hard: 1 walk
3 hard: 1walk
2 hard: 1 walk
1 hard: 1walk
5min walk warm down
Long run 70 mins (ratio 3:3)

I will be using my GPS outside to log distances and speed whilst waiting for the tready, and when on the tready I will note the details (training my mind and memory at the same time!!)
These stats will then be noted on here!

All excited now!!


b-z said…
sounds good pix
slow build up
we like
why doesnt Spansie do personal training
Evil Pixie said…
Thanks Laura! FLM is to blame! I loved it so much but that last mile made me realise how much I had to improve and that I wanted to improve!

Benzie - a little case of a mortgage! But I agree she should! She got Fraggle through FLM in a fab time, and a sub 60 10K PB now too - lets hope it works for me too!
beanz said…
looking forward to treadie reports!