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Up bright and early so that we could go organise some vinyl for the bathrooms - sorted and cheaper than original choice!

Then Junior club - really fun today and as I don't have FLM to worry about I was happy to join in lots. No niggles (beams from ear to ear). Then I sneaked into the gym and did 5 mins (yes JUST 5) on the tready - still smiling!

Then off to have me hair cropped - on foot as I walked to club so walking home - 15mins each way.

Then off to town.

Bread maker has gone pop. So I carried said bread maker (7.5kg) the 15mins walk back to Argos happy in the knowledge that they would insist on sending it back for repair. Nope they exchange it so another 15min walk carrying 7.5kg of box back to the car - arms now 6" longer and shoulders aching!

Grab some stuff round town ... back to car (so that's another 15 mins each way!)

Pop into CarPhone warehouse and very nearly get sexy black Nokia 6230 with DAB radio and MP3 player and Camera as a free upgrade. Resist and go to sainsbury for tonights curry!
Drive home and collapse!

Now plan is in 2 wks time I need to go to town with Oliver (he needs school clothes and trainers). Whilst there I'll get me new phone and order tready which takes up to 28 days delivery which means hubby should be at home to take delivery! Sorted!

Now Mr Bear, Mr Leon and Mr Rob .... if I do get this here tready I hold you responsible for me using it ... so if I don't you need to yell at me!! Deal?!

Tomorrow I have Tesco to entertain me (Yeah right!) and car hunting as hubby wants to change my car.

Right time to sort curry and relax and open wine for tea!


Leon said…
Vocal exercises everyone...?


Now - we all KNOW that shouting isn't going to be necessary....
Don't we Pix.... :-D

Hey - you done more exercise than me today
1½ hours of walking round town *-Phew-*

Oh - and the 28 delivery thing doesn't always take that long!!! The last thing I ordered with that delivery time (from Argos) arrived 2 days later..!!!!!!
beanz said…
crumbs what a busy bee

all good calorie-burning stuff!!