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Busy Weekend

Yesterday was as usual Junior Running club, and as I wasn't in "be careful you want to run FLM" mode I actually did all the running about and warm up and drills and funny walks (AKA walking lunges). Needless to say I was not only shattered but my quads and butt are laughing at me today! I mean my quads are as stiff as the day after FLM if not worse!! That figures hey!

I also planted my strawberries and pottered in the garden meaning a long and weary day. So today my planned run was shelfed due to my inability to walk around with ease!

So I cross trained in the garden! Planting the raspberries, some radishes, new cucumber and pepper seeds and taking a trip to the nursery for some tomatoe plants. Whilst there I spotted a Purple Pixie! I was very tempted to buy it but due to the large volumne veg pots my patio area is rather restricted in space!

Today I have also been testing out my plumbing skills! We moved in here in the last week of August 2004.Today for some unknown reason I glanced down the side of the washing machine and did a comic double take as I spotted what looked like fungus. It was. It seems that the pipes into the machin have been leaking slightly (miss aligned) and therefore causing a nice damp area that invited fungus to grow ;-( So I turn off the water and fix the cold tap. Sorted. Nope the hot tap seems to have a slight leak too. Now unlike the cold tap the stop cock under the sink for the hot water does not have a tap handle so I try to turn it off by just tightening the screw. Take pipe off and get very wet as the water is not off :-(

The pipes are now back on but still appear to be leaking slightly. So tomorrow I have to try and fix it. I don't think it's a plumber job as the worse requirement will be new pipes and I have a spare unused set from when we bought the machine (they were too short in the old house). So time to get the swim suit out??

I also intend to go for a run tomorrow - as long as the quads are back! I'll report in tomorrow night!


beanz said…
what a busy pixie!